Chapter 6

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The rest of the week at school was a pretty good start to keeping us all busy. Classes and schoolwork were getting more complicated as we kept learning more material. Math especially. But Luis always helped me whenever school was over and, as he said, I started to feel more comfortable.

At lunch that Friday, Connie, Ken Wu, Adam, and Dwayne were talking about their first game for that night.

"Who're we going against again?", asked Dwayne.

"Bulldogs from Minnesota River", said Adam.

"I heard they won a big tournament last year", said Connie, " It was their first tournament win in history."

"Maybe, but y'all will show them that they got nothing on you Eden Hall ducks", I spoke with encouragement.

"Exactly", agreed Connie, "They're just another team against us like always. What could go wrong?"

"Well,.....they are a bigger team is one problem...", said Ken Wu, "what if-"

"No if's Ken", interrupted Dwayne, "keep your spirits up. We'll kick their butts faster than you can say 'yeehaw yankiedoodle.'"

"And I'm assuming that you'll be there to be a cheerleader for your little all-star speedster jet, Kallie?", asked Connie with a wink and a smile.

"Is that even a question? When have you not seen me in the stands screaming my lungs out for you guys and Luis?"

"Yeah, you got a point", said Connie, "of course you'll be there. What am I talking about?"

"You know,....Luis also said that you can be a PRIVATE cheerleader for him at times, too, and I REALLY don't want to know what he means by that", said Adam frowning while laughing.

"Oh, god, Luis. Really?" I said quietly while burying my face in my hands in embarrassment.


Evening came and the game was about to start. I manage to get my seat closer to the ice rink before the place got too full. The two teams were already skating in circles out on the ice, getting ready for the game. I saw Luis' jersey and kept my eye on him so I wouldn't lose him amongst the other players. He looked around the stands to find me and when he saw me, he waved and I blew a kiss back at him. The game announcer began to talk through the microphone and his voice rang through the loud speakers on the ceiling.

"Alrighty, folks. Let's hope it's a good one tonight. Tonight's first game features the Eden Hall Ducks against the Minnesota River Bulldogs. Both teams are preparing as we speak right now out on the ice."

The ducks gathered around inside the bench and joined hands. When the coach counted off, they all began to quack. Everyone in the stands quacked along as did I. The only ones who weren't were the people who came for the opposing side.

"Go Ducks!", they shouted as their hands rose in the air. Some members then went out on the ice while others took their seats in the bench.

Soon, two players from each team went to the center of the ice rink. The referee skated over with the puck in his hands. He counted to three and when the puck was dropped, the players skated off. As I expected, the ducks started out with a great lead. Adam swiped the puck from a bulldog's sight and raced over to the goal. He kept the puck in front of his stick until he passed it to Ken Wu. He then took it further towards the goal, trying to not let anyone get to it. When he was about to get tackled, he quickly passed it to another duck. With being right in front of the goal, they shot the puck and they scored. The crowd cheered all around.

"Oh, and it looks like the Eden Hall ducks start out with a grand lead, scoring 1 goal against the bulldogs. Wonderful work, Eden Hall ducks", said the announcer over the speakers.

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