Chapter 4

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Sunday, my mom called saying she had went to church that morning. I told her that was cool. I formerly went to church all the time with my family as a child and was even on the praise dancing team, but when I got older, I didn't go as much as I used to. It was probably because church wasn't interesting to me anymore. It was also probably because I never woke up in time nor did I have an alarm clock set.

That afternoon, Luis and I went over to a courtyard where the rest of the ducks were. Charlie had called everybody over for a schoolyard puck game and of course none of the ducks turned down on that. The captains of each team were Charlie and Averman. Charlie's team had Connie, Guy, Goldberg, Portman, and Dwayne. With Averman, there was Julie, Russ, Ken Wu, Luis, Adam, and Fulton. Charlie had asked me to join his team since they were missing a member, but then I reminded him I wasn't so great at hockey, so I decided to be the audience and just watch. Averman's team had the puck most of the time but the other team would soon get their hands on it and score some goals. Charlie, who was the leader of the other team, kept dodging opposing members who would try to steal the puck but then he would pass it to Guy who would take it closer to the goal where he would pass it to Portman and he would hit it in a trash bin. Luis was doing his usual speedster thing and I watched his every move. He skated quickly towards the goal as one of his teammates, Fulton, had the puck.

"Here, Luis!", Fulton shouted as he passed it to Luis. Luis darted to the goal and shot the puck, but ended up crashing into the wire fence at the other end of the court which I couldn't help but laugh at. He got back up and continued the game.

Charlie's team was in the lead, but Averman and his crew were catching up. Connie turned and twisted through the opposing teammates trying to stop her as she kept her eye on the puck to shoot into the trash bin. She didn't see Ken Wu skating right behind her and he swiftly took the puck right before her eyes. He went to the goal where Russ was waiting for him. He passed it over to Russ, and Russ got his knuckle puck ready. He stood the puck up, hit it with all his might, and it rolled into the goal. Averman's team did all of their tricks throughout the game scoring goal after goal until eventually, they were beating Charlie's team. A few times, Dwayne did have the puck for a second, but someone was always there to take it from him. Not to mention that Portman, being the buff and tough hockey player that he was, also had advantages to score a goal.

I soon lost interest in the game and took out my phone to be on social media. I checked all of my notifications on my fan and personal accounts. I saw that one of the girls from school commented underneath my post of Luis and I from Thursday night and said "he's so cute". I knew she was craving him, but I responded back with a wink emoji and said "he sure is, and I get to see him be cute everyday😉". That should teach her a thing or two. It's not that I wanted to be a bitch to these girls, but I just had to remind them in a sort of way that Luis already had somebody. And if someday, I had to say a slick remark to them to back them off, so be it. 

I was about to go back into my MCR fan account when I heard someone shout "We won!" from over on the courtyard. I looked up and Charlie was waving his hands up in the air and his teammates were hugging all around him. It turns out they had manage to pass over with a few more scores and they took the victory. Averman's team were happily congratulating them not caring that they had lost. They were all soon high fiving each other to conclude a good game. Julie suggested that they play another game, but they couldn't because some of the other ducks had things to do later on. So, they ended it there. I saw Luis walking towards me. He grabbed his things and we left.

"I thought you guys were winning", I laughed, "Did you just crash so much, your brain turned into mush and you helped your team lose?"

"No", said Luis in a matter of fact tone, "We were scoring a few at first, but it seems like with Charlie's team having bigger guys like Dwayne and Portman, they kept getting the puck from us easily. Portman was a badass out there, though. Plus, Russ messed up his knuckle puck sometimes."

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