Chapter 5

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I would expect the first official day of a full school week to start pretty a-okay. Well, by "a" in the a-okay, I mean "awful". In my first class which was English, it turns out we had a surprise quiz on some shit that the teacher had told us about and she had gave us some notes to study for over the weekend which hardly any of us did except for one student who wore big glasses. Obviously we all failed and the teacher gave us a warning for next time to pay attention whenever she assigns is things. Yeah right, you only told us about it once that day, bitch.

Math was a struggle because our tutor has written the most toughest question about functions ever on the board which took me an eternity to figure out and he said that would be our topic for this week. The topic next week would be functions mixed together with modeling graphs. Most of this was new to me while the tiniest details weren't due to me learning them in past grades. Hell, dare I say the details I swore I recognized were new to me also because my brain just says fuck you to algebra. Again though, this was senior year, so this class was going to rip me to shreds. Shoot me.

In my 3rd period class, which was History 2, things toned down and we're more simpler. We were learning about the Mesopotamia people and a majority of it I still remember from 6th grade, but newer and tougher material was still introduced.

I looked at the clock. It was around the time for second lunch. I knew Luis would be in the cafeteria probably messing around and doing pranks with the other ducks. Part of me hoped he wouldn't get in too much trouble. I also remembered how someone told me that some of the new cheerleaders would be having that lunch with him. My chest began to tingle with worry and curiosity. Luis was known for messing with girls, but I noticed how some of those cheerleaders had senior boyfriends who were all pretty big and could squash Luis in a second if he was found taunting them. He of course messed with them in a friendly way for he was aware I was his. I desperately wished I had that lunch with him so that we could be in an embrace while eating our food.

I was so busy wondering, that I didn't hear my history teacher call my name at first until someone tapped my shoulder. I jolted my head to the board where my teacher, Ms. Myers, was giving me a stern face.

"Kallie, would you answer this question for me since it seems like you're paying attention well over there?"

"Um...what did you ask?"

"Maybe if you were listening, you would know. I asked 'what two new inventions were created to help keep order in these cities?'"

I thought for a second, ignoring the silence engulfing the room. It was a good thing my memory from this topic back in elementary was still fresh.

"Uh,....government and writing?"

"Correct. Perhaps the next time I'll keep testing you more to check if you're focused."

"Yes, ma'am", I said sheepishly and my cheeks burned pink as I heard slight laughter of students around the class.

The bell for lunch rang and I sped out of the room. My growling stomach soon made me forget about the embarrassing moment that happened earlier. I found my seat and took out my food from my lunchbox. I was soon surround by my friends.

"Hey Kallie", they greeted.


"What's the matter? You look a little bummed out", spoke Connie.

"I kinda am. My classes are just now getting told about the stuff we will be learning about these next few weeks and I am nowhere near excited about a damn thing."

"I know how you feel", said Adam, "In computer class, we have to learn about operating systems and fundamentals. Boy, does that sound like it's gonna be the best thing ever."

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