Episode Eleven: Boat (pt. 3)

Start from the beginning

"Are you expecting me to share?"

"Well...you said you wouldn't eat them with a goat. So, I don't expect you to," Goat recalled the memory of when he offered to eat green eggs and ham with Guy...well...after tearing down the cabin Guy and Sam were in. It's reasonable that Guy said he wouldn't eat them with the goat.

"I didn't like them back then...I wouldn't even try them back then," Guy responded a bit with a sigh.

"Hey, at least you expanded your horizons."

Guy didn't respond to Goat's enthusiasm.

Goat lost his enthusiasm. "I just brought these up here just in case."

"I-I'm not hungry."

"Alright." Goat stared at the food for a moment and then back up at Guy in the tent. "I'm sorry about your parents...and your brother."

Guy didn't respond again. He probably didn't want to talk about it.

Goat sighed a bit. "Look, I just want to see if you're okay."

"I'm fine...just fine." Guy choked on his words. "I just wanted to be alone."

"You've been alone for four hours, amigo."

"And you care...?"

Goat flicked his ears a bit. "Yes."

Guy chuckled a bit. "You know, you're still the last person who I expected to comfort me."

Goat smiled softly. "You haven't known me completely. Just like I haven't known you completely."

"Then...why come up here?"

"I just told you, friend, I want to make sure you're okay."

Guy turned around and noticed Goat sitting outside of his tent. "Why do you even care? You didn't before...in fact...you would want me dead."

There's a sad pause while Goat gazed down on the wooden platform.

"Because I know what it's like to watch the ones you loved most suffer and lose them."

Guy softened his gaze but didn't respond.

"I was alone. At the time, I didn't think I need anybody. I worked blindly with criminals for years and was responsible for hurting people and animals."

Goat continued to inch his way into the tent while he kept talking. "I guess that's something I couldn't take back of what I did to you and Sam. And...I know a sorry isn't going to make up for it...but I really am sorry. That's off of my chest now. The other reason is that...I just didn't want someone else, who went through what I went through, to feel like they're alone. Whether that would be you or anyone else...it doesn't matter. I went through that tragedy alone and no one ever stuck by me and told me that I was never alone...and I never did that for anyone who might have gone through worst or what I've gone through. I realized now that the pain doesn't just hurt one person and one person only. It can happen to people around you. Someone next to you might lose someone they love. Maybe, a total stranger might have suffered the losses and grievances that might mirror yours. You never know."

Guy pondered for a moment, taking in of what Goat was saying. "You came up here...because you don't want me to feel like I'm the only one suffering in this kind of pain?"

Goat nodded his head in confirmation with a smirk cornered on his mouth. "Did you read my mind?"

Guy shrugged a bit with a smile. "Yeah."

Goat chuckled a bit. "Figures."

"Thank you," Guy replied genuinely.

Goat widened his eyes in shock, not expecting Guy's response. "Uh...no problem, amigo."

Green Eggs and Ham Season 2: The Search in the Shadows.Where stories live. Discover now