Chapter 1: A start

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There I was,

 A lost Draconian, walking across the tarnished field of what used to be a small planet. I could hear the black hole behind me inching closer and closer as I tried to run through the unbearable storm. My Garrison spacesuit was ripped and torn, drenched in my own blood due to the previous fight.

No no no no no...

It can't end like this...

I have to get back... to him...

I can't let them suffer the same way I did, I can't Fail. 

I walk like my limbs don't really belong to me and each step is a negotiation rather than an order. Everything hurts now. Every damn thing. I wince to cross the rocky ground, trying to cross the windy storm.

The harsh wind was pushing my weak self out of balance with gallons of blood gushing out at a rapid speed. It was hopeless.

I dropped down to my knees and held my breath, my hope dying along with my struggles as dust swirled around me. Every heartbeat sent a surge of electrifying pain as if my chest were being torn apart.

My Arctic blue and Golden eyes flickering as I tried to stay conscious. I couldn't go on any longer, I had to find some way to contact earth before the inevitable void swallows me whole.

Then it hit me. There was always one person I could count on. Someone who has always had my back since the very beginning.


In a final attempt, I put all of my energy into contacting Shiro through his dream. Soon my body snapped and contorted uncomfortably as I was on the ground, desperately gasping for air. Simply using my powers caused the pain to multiply to an unbearable amount. An ache covered my body as if I was in a surreal hell, but that didn't matter now. 

I had to get through to Shiro. After a splitting pain erupted through my head, I finally made it to his dream.

As I tightly closed my eyes, I could hear a slight echo in the distance. "Kai?"

I knew that voice. And it was as sweet and kind as I remembered. I slowly got up even though every bone in my body was telling me not to, and met his grey, silvery eyes. "Shiro-" I was cut off by my own cough, blood trickling out from my mouth. 

Shiro was horrified at the sight of his best friend dying in front of him as he ran towards me and helped me stand up. His warm hand tightly gripped my freezing, shivering one's. "Kaida!" he desperately yelled, "Kaida! what happened to you?! How did you get hurt?!"

I weakly responded between coughs, "There's no time for that right now, Shiro I need you to listen." 

He started chewing on his lower lip and his eyes welled up with tears. I continued, "I'm afraid-cough- That I don't have much time left..." He held onto my hand even tighter as he cried, 

"DON'T SAY THAT KAI! please... just- keep your eyes open... everything will turn out alright- just- hang in there... for me...please..."

"I'm sorry Shiro, but I can't anymore. I tried, I really did. But I failed"

Suddenly I could feel a cold darkness itching on my skin. This was it. It's all over now.

In one final breath, I whispered in Shiro's ear, "Find Voltron." After that, everything turned pitch black. Everything was numb and I could no longer open my eyes.

Oh, how I wish it could've stayed that way. 

But of course, being the future Paladin of the White Lion. The world wouldn't let me die so easily...

now you're probably wondering, 'What just happened?'

Well, this is my story. I am Kaida Donovan. The last Draconian alive.


The One And Only (Voltron x Oc fanfic) -On hold-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant