Chapter 2: The White Lion

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It all started 17 years ago

My head throbbed with pain as the roaring noise around me started getting louder and louder...

A sharp pain filled my body and radiating through my stomach. I didn't know why or how it happened, but at that moment, I was clinging to life like it was a flimsy string.

It was quiet

So peaceful, so serene.

It felt like I was fully submerged underwater, yet somehow still breathing. The quiet, calm waves gently pushed me from place to place while I effortlessly followed, not willing to make a sound. 

My eyelids started to feel heavy and my limbs started to feel numb.

At that moment my entire body wanted to give up. 

Just let go. Finally rest...

NO, I can't give up. Not yet. I have to stay alive. There are people out there that still need me. Dying right now would only be selfish. I have to fight to stay alive, death doesn't give you an exception because you're 'special'. 

I am a warrior. I must follow my path and give my life up for another. I won't show mercy to those that threaten the innocent. I will live and protect my home from that- killer.

And with that, a force of energy fueled my strength as I was pulled out of my dream-less nightmare.

I tried to free my arm of whatever was trapping me, but it wasn't budging. I forced a moan as I opened my eyes slowly. I immediately regretted that decision as I was overwhelmed with agonizing fiery pain, one that caused my crimson red blood to pour out into a pool underneath me.

Taking quick, sharp, breaths I looked around to examine my surroundings.

I was tied to a podium of some sort, with cuffs on my hands and legs. I was chained to a large pillar. In-front a crowd of hundreds of people, all chanting-




The people had horns of different colors and shapes,

Where the hell am I?

I was approached by an old cloaked woman who was hunched over like a gremlin with a staff in her weak grasp. With one gesture she silenced the crowd and announced to the roaring mass of people

'This woman is hereby banished from Draconia forever, for committing treason upon the kingdom and threatening an ally!'

'Threatening an ally'? The hell is this lady talking about? Why am I even here?

I continued to discreetly struggle with the binding around my arms, silently cursing under my breath. I have no idea what's going on, or who these people are, or how I'm even still conscious for that matter.

Two purple-skinned freaks noticed me trying to escape and immediately held me down, destroying any chance of escape.

The old hag pointed her staff at me as I closed my eyes to prepare for an impact, but nothing happened...

I slowly unlatched my eyes,

I was in a wide, open area, filled with nothingness. The crowds were gone along with the woman. I was no longer chained up but shuddered as I couldn't see anything around me

It was dark and cold

I saw two still Silhouettes standing in-front of me. One was a tall, built man with two pairs of crooked horns and piercing blue eyes...

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