Chapter 5: Reunion

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My shrill, blood- curdling cry was the only thing I hear'd before I fell into complete darkness. My mind blacked out. Images of Lilly flashed through my mind, her sweat smile, her delightful laughter, her beautiful green eyes, her playful teasing... all of it was gone... in less than a second.

Oh Lilly... I thought as I chocked through sobs. W-why...? why did it have to be you... I was supposed to protect you... I was supposed to help you...

But I Failed... And I hate failing more than anything...


3rd person POV

Kaida opened her swollen, tear-filled eyes. She was still on the roof. Crying. She wouldn't dare look down because she knew what she would've seen. The lifeless, cold body of her best friend...

She could hold the heartbreak no longer and she fell to the floor in a disheveled heap as her grief poured out in a flood of uncontrollable tears. A gut-wrenching sob tore through her chest followed by her fist meeting the floor. Punching it-hard- as the concrete cracked beneath her grip.

She heard the door to the roof crack open. Someone had come up. But she didn't care. She continued with her sorrowful sobs as she mourned the death of the one she cared for most.

She then heard multiple people come up to her. They were all staff members. Once they met with Kaida's disheveled form on the ground, they knew. They were too late. There has been a suicide in West-shores middle school. And no one except Kaida Donovan tried to prevent it from happening...

"y-you" Kaida hissed, venom laced her words.


she snapped "BUT ALL OF YOU JUST STOOD THERE, WATCHING-" she paused, trying to control her tears, "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!!!" her voice suddenly changed, it was slightly deeper, more...monstrous... filled with burning fury, rage. The rest of the staff was silenced, they stood back in fear. Kaida was unstable. She was letting her anger take over. She was about to kill them in cold blood. All of them. She struggled to keep her emotions in check

She knew deep down that no one cared about Lilly's well-being except Kaida. And she was infuriated by it. She knew that not all humans are bad. She kept on telling herself that. But these people, saw a child trying to end themselves and did nothing about it. She convinced herself that they deserved it.

The adults that were standing right next to her, had no idea what Kaida was planning. They just thought she was angry, having a tantrum. If only they knew where her mind was spiraling to. They watched in horror as Kaida's Arctic blue and gold eyes glowed while her pupils turned into thin, black, slits. Her nails grew longer and sharper, almost like claws. They could've sworn the saw fangs in her growl while a few scales peered through her hoody. Kaida lost all control. The only thing left to show were her horns and she'd be done for.

Kaida POV

The pain was unbearable. My only friend... the one I cared about so much was gone. And it's because of these people. They deserved to die. 

Wait- what? 

I know they did. I don't care what'll happen to me next. I don't care if they find out I'm alien. I don't care if I'm killed or experimented on.

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