Chapter 6: Mokah and Astrid

Start from the beginning

It wasn't easy finding their rooms either, and there was no one around them to help since everyone was probably in class. But after carrying their luggage up and down the endless floors, they finally managed to find their rooms. Micka's room was across from Noah's.

They agreed that they'd join each other after unpacking and changing into their new uniforms.

Noah inserted the key to his room and pushed the heavy door open, his eyes widening in amazement. There was a large bed with velvet and gold cushions and pillows, a beautiful carpet in the middle with captivating patterns, and a fireplace for the winter and a treasure box at the feet of the bed. The room looked like a place where a prince would sleep.

Noah went over to the wooden treasure box and opened it, finding a rusty key in the middle. He then opened his luggage and placed the items that Geo and Carl had given him inside, locking it closed with the key he had found. He then started unpacking his clothes and the rest of his belongings, before changing into his uniform.

Noah tucked his white starch shirt in his sand-brown pants, buttoning it up before putting on his dark, navy blue jacket. The uniform came with a tie, but Noah didn't know how to put it on, and after struggling for a good ten minutes, he decided that he'd ask Micka for help.

He heard a knock at his door and quickly opened it.

"No one said anything about a stupid uniform," growled Micka, storming into Noah's room in discontent. Noah glanced at Micka's neck and noticed that his tie was tangled in endless knots, pointing in directions in shouldn't be.

Noah blinked, wondering how Micka even managed to make his tie look like that. Right, maybe Micka wasn't the best person to ask how to tie a tie.

"The uniforms don't look that bad," compromised Noah. "I think we look classy."

"Classy? We look like those snobby rich kids who drink Starbucks every day and then complain about plastic straws!" whined Micka. He then pointed at his neck. "And what even is this?! A collar?! What do they think we are? DOGS?!"

Noah cleared his voice. "Um, I think it's called a necktie."

"This is an abomination to mankind, that's what it is!" cried Micka.

"Micka, we have to wear them. We can't start breaking the school's rules already," frowned Noah. "We just got here."

"Yeah, and I already hate it."

Noah went over to Micka who was sulking on the edge of his bed and put his hands on his best friend's shoulder, giving him a gentle shake. "I know, but we'll be out of here once we prove to the FBI that vampires don't exist, okay? All we need is some proof and evidence and we can go back to our normal lives. Back to riding our bikes to school every morning and back to crashing your car on the weekdays."

Micka stared into Noah's emerald eyes and sighed, leaning back and plopping onto his back.

"I still wonder how I got my driver's license," he mumbled. Micka and Noah both shared a look and started to laugh, the tension in the air slowly fading away.

There was another knock on the door and they both looked up.

"Uh, you wanna get that?" asked Micka.

"No, not really," gulped Noah.

The person knocked again and Micka gave Noah a gently push.

"It's your room," he whispered.

"What if it's a vampire?" whispered Noah back.

"You just said that vampires don't exist!" argued Micka.

Who Let The Vamps Out? (Boyxboy) ✔Where stories live. Discover now