

A Week Later

A week has passed and you were definitely doing better than last week but you still couldn't manage to get Jungkook off your head.

- "Alright guys, I will see you next week my lovelies" you say as they grab hold of their coats, ready to make their way outside.

- "Y/n" one of the teacher calls.

- "Yeah" you answer.

- "There's someone on the phone for you, he was asking for you" she informs.

- "Oh okay, I'm coming" you tell her, as you make sure the other teacher has led the other children out.

You run over to the main office to pick up the phone.

- "Hiya, Miss L/n speaking..." you answer.

- "Y/n" you already knew who it was. Jungkook. Your heart rate increased as all the images start to come rushing to you.

Just as you were about to hang up...

- "Wait, it's about Ye Jin-ah" he says quickly, in his dark tone. You have the phone in mid air as you hear Ye Jin's name, causing you to bring the phone back up to your ear.

- "What is it Jungkook?"

- "Ye Jin-ah is in danger" he says as your heart drops automatically. "I need you to take him to your place after school and I'll pick him up in the night" he adds.

- "What do you mean danger?" You ask.

- "I have no time right now Y/n" he answers, breathing heavily as if he was out of breath which scared the living day light out of you.

You were hesitant at first, not wanting to be involved in this but you cared too much for Ye Jin-ah.

- "You're doing this for Ye Jin-ah, not me" he adds. You rest your eyes before agreeing.

- "Okay, I'll do it"

- "Thank you Y/n" he says, before cutting the phone.

'What am I doing Y/n?' You thought.

You quickly get ready to go home as you pull Ye Jin-ah with you, to tell him that you were taking him home.

- "Are you excited to go to Miss L/n's house today?" You ask Ye Jin-ah.

- "REALLY?" He exclaims as his eyes had fireworks in them.

- "Yep" you say.

- "Wowwww! I am excited" he expresses, as you laugh at his cuteness.

- "Let's go" you say, before fixing his hat and taking his small hand in yours.

You walk the street hand in hand with Ye Jin-ah, enjoying the end of winter of breeze.

- "Miss L/n, where do you live?" Ye Jin-ah asks.

- "Well about 15 minutes away from the school" you answer. "We're about half way there."

- "Wah!" He says, as he walks up he hilly road. "Your legs must hurt everyday" as he puts pressure on his small legs, trying to climb up the road as you laugh.

- "I'm used to it" you tell him, picking him up to stop his small legs from suffering any longer.

You couldn't lie, he was heavy and you wondered how Jungkook always picked him up so swiftly. 

The lights on the streets started to flicker, causing you to become more aware of your surroundings.

With Ye Jin-ah in your arms, you quickly pick up your pace. You suddenly see the figure of two shadows that casted upon you and you couldn't help but get even more frightened as your body shook in fear.

- "Miss L/n, why are there two men following us?" Ye Jin whispers into your ear as you gripped on to his small body tightly.

You try to remain calm, not wanting to scare Ye Jin-ah.

- "Don't worry about them" you whisper back, still trying to quicken your pace.

You thought you were succeeding until you were drawn back by a harsh grip, turning you around. You were faced with two men in dark suits, twice your size.

The guy gripped your arm, pulling you closer to him as Ye Jin-ah was still in your arms.

- "Look here pretty lady, we'll save you the trouble if you hand us the child" he threatens.

You gulp hard as your heart beat out of your chest, your pipe that allowed you to talk was completely blocked up.

- "No" you manage to say, as you feel Ye Jin-ah's grip tighten on you aswell as the mans as you try hard to remove his hand.

The both chuckle deeply, creating a thundering atmosphere. The sky was beginning to get dark, which was not helping.

- "Don't give us any trouble lady, and hand us the kid" the other man spits.

- "I said No!" You vocalise, trying to stand your ground, holding on to Ye Jin as hard as you can.

You can see them loosing their patience as the other guy clicks his fingers, gesturing to get violent.

The man begins to forcefully retracts Ye Jin out of your arms, as you fight hard trying to hold on to him, pleading hard.

- "STOP! LEAVE HIM" You yell, but it doesn't help as he gets more aggressive as he yanks Ye Jin-ah from your grip.

You fall on the floor, pulling your blouse up as you hear Ye Jin's cries and screams for you. You try to get back up and run from him as the other man pushes you back down.

The sky begins to turn dark as the rain begins to suddenly fall.

- "As for you... what shall we do with you?" He questions, as he gets to the same level with you. "It would be a waste to leave a beauty out here alone" he comments as the other man laughs.

- "Please, please! Give him back! Please!" you plead, as tears ran down your face and you hear Ye Jin's cries get louder, making your heart ache.

- "Hey, don't cry" he says sarcastically, but the gushing of the rain made it harder for you to stand on your feet.

All of a sudden you hear a loud clang that captured both your attention to see the other man being taken out by someone familiar. An elbow goes straight to the guys neck causing him to drop, as he releases Ye Jin-ah.

You feel your body weaken as the guys grabs you by the neck, holding a knife against it. Your eye sight becomes more visible to see Jungkook holding a gun towards the man next to you.

His wet hair making him look deadly, the roaring of thunder and the rain that gushed down as his suit tightly struck on him. 

- "Go on kill me" the man chuckles, as he tilts his head towards you. He had you by the waist, pulling you up on your feet as he sloppily kissed your left cheek.

You could see Jungkook's eyes fill with fury, as his orbs turn black. His hands wrap around the gun tightly.

- "Let her go" he demands, as the mans hand tightens around your neck.

The man lets out a dark laugh, as you couldn't handle this anymore. You close your eyes in fear to suddenly  hear the loudest shot being fired.

You slowly open your eyes to see the man lying on the floor, with a bullet on the left side of his neck as you cover your mouth in shock.

Jungkook runs to you, picking you up before hugging you tightly. He cups your face.

- "Are you okay?" He asks, before pulling you in and hugging you again. "You're okay, I'm here now" he says.

"You're okay"


The Teacher and The Gangster (JK)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin