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Author POV

- "Y/n, have you seen my tie?" You forgetful brother asks.

- "Yeah, it's on top of my bedroom drawer" you tell him.

- "Oh yeah, I see it. Thanks!" He shouts back.

You grab your sweater from the couch before grabbing your purse out of your room.

- "Are you going somewhere?" Your protectful brother asks.

- "Oh yeah, I was gonna go see Jungkook" you say.

- "Ohh" he replies, just casually nodding. "Like on a date?"

- "Not really, just going to see him. We haven't planned anything" you tell your curious brother.

- "Oh well, do you want me to drop you off?" He offers. "I still have some time before I get to work" he finishes.

- "Oh could you? That would be great" you reply, grateful as you smile at him.

It's been atleast two weeks since you and Jungkook have started up your relationship up again and you couldn't be happier.

The both of you quickly finish up as you pop in to the passengers seat of Yeon Joon's car.

- "Where do you want me to drive you?" He asks.

You knew Jungkook couldn't have anyone knowing his location so you type an address three blocks away from his home.

- "Here" you say, handing him his phone back once you put in the navigation.

He begins to drive as you just take this time to enjoy the city view.

- "Y/n" Yeon Joon calls.

- "Hmm?" You answer.

- "I wanted to talk to you about something" he says, as his focus was still on the road and his one hand on his leather steering wheel, giving him a fierce look.

- "Yeah sure, anything. What's up?" You ask, as you now pay attention to him.

- "I was thinking of moving back here" he voices.

- "You mean... Seoul?" You question.

- "Yeahh, I mean I feel like I'm always away and when I do come here, I only see you and mum for a little while before I have to travel away again" he mentions. "I barely see you and mom anymore"

- "Then why don't you?" You articulate. "Stay here, and if you wanna travel here and there, go for it. But make Seoul your home" You tell him.

- "I wanna settle down" he mentions.

- "And you can Yeon Joon-ah! Stay here for a while and I'll help you look for an apartment or house and you can stay in my house for as long as you need." You tell him.

He smiles at your kind offering and gesture.

- "Thank you y/n, and I'm going to go to mums house for a while. I miss her" he says as you smile at him.

- "No problem, but does mum know you're moving here? She will be so happy to hear" you tell him.

- "No, I haven't. I wanna surprise her" he says, gleaming.

- "Aha, well alright. Let me know if you ever need anything, I'm always here" you announce.

- "I will, thank you for being so supportive y/n" he says.

- "Of course, always" you say, assuring him.

- "Oh and tell Jungkook that he should come round to dinner at moms, sometime this week" Yeon Joon asserts.

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