What am I to you?

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Author POV

Two weeks Later

It was evening and you were setting out the tables for the parent-teacher meetings to discuss the children's progress in the school.

You worried about Ye Jin-ah and who he was going to come with. You were still angry at Jungkook but you couldn't help but feel bad the way you left things with him.

- "Miss L/n?" A woman says as you turn to see one of your students mothers at the door.

- "Oh Mrs Jung! Nice to see you, come on in" you say as her little daughter follows her.

The evening went on with back to back meetings with all 26 children and their parents. But there was one person who was missing and that was Ye Jin-ah.

- "Y/n, I'm gonna go home now" one of the other teachers say to you, as she pops her head through the door.

- "Oh okay, I'll see you tomorrow" you say, kissing her goodbye.

- "Are you not done yet?" She asks.

- "I still have one more child but I don't even know if he will be attending" you inform her, as she looks at you sympathetically.

- "Alright, well I'll see you later Y/n" she says, patting your arm as you just smile and gesture a wave to her.

You wait for a good twenty minutes for Ye Jin-ah but there was no sign....

You sigh loudly before getting up as you begin to pack the books away in your bag and rearrange the tables for tomorrow morning.

- "Ahem" you hear... you could hear your heart pound faster and faster at the thought of the sight you were about to encounter.

You turn around to see the person you were dreading.

The same old look, his suit hugging his upper body as his dark orbs make an appearance. His unique features glistening under the light, that made him even more handsome than he already was.

Your heart stopped and you could feel your body go numb. You stand up straight looking at him as he looks at you emotionless with a little bit of empathy crawling up.

You were about to tell him to leave till you see Ye Jin-ah standing shyly next to his leg making him look adorable.

Your gaze turns to him as you smile softly at his little figure.

- "Miss L/n!" He exclaims as he runs over to you, jumping into your arms.

- "Heyy" you reply, scruffing his hair a little as Jungkook watches the happy scene.

You look over at him, not knowing what to say.

- "Sorry we're late.. um, well there was traffic" he says, trying to break the silence.

- "It's alright.. take a seat" you tell him as you put Ye Jin-ah down to the floor. You sit opposite him as you grab Ye Jin-ah's file.

You could see his gaze on you as your cheeks flush bright red due to his intense gaze.

He smirked a little, as he sees the red dot on your cheek which starts to expand.

- "Ye Jin-ah, go stand outside in the corridor for a minute" Jungkook says to him, which catches your attention as you stop what you're doing.

- "Why?" He questions.

- "I need to discuss a private matter with Miss L/n. Okay?" He tells Ye Jin-ah as he just nods, leaving you two alone in the room.

The Teacher and The Gangster (JK)Where stories live. Discover now