18) The Party's Over

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Back at the palace with the ball still happening... (Hikaru's Pov)
Tonight was supposed to be the night that Hikaru chose the girl that was to be his forever- but only one problem: none of them interested him. All of them were boring, as if they were all the same game being played over and over again. Of course, Kaoru found someone, the only problem remaining for him being that she was a castle maid. As for Hikaru? He's found absolutely no one.

Scanning the crowd, Hikaru wills himself to find someone, anyone who interest him, but they're all the same. Same polite smiles, same style dress, same old boring girls. The only one that did get his heart racing...

Walking over towards the area where the drink table was last time, Hikaru feverishly looks for the guy who was there last time, the one that had made him so confused for so long. Maybe if I just talk to him I'll get over him?

Walking closer to the drink station he sees a maid- Haruhi- busily sliding over drinks. Out of nowhere, his body temperature seems to rise and his heart begins to pound. I haven't felt like this since I saw him- His mouth falls open a little as he realizes that their short hair is the same length and color. Both her and him are the same height, with only being about five feet tall, and similar body structure.

"Are you him?" he questions immediately, feeling utterly stupid. Haruhi looks up with her hopeful brown eyes, which mesmerize him, and she tilts her head a little to the side. "Who?" Still staring at her kinda creepily, Hikaru says, "Him. The guy that was over here last time."

Almost immediately, her eyes dart away from his and he just knows that it's her. "It was you, wasn't it?" he says, the familiar smirk he usually wears returning to his face after being gone for so long. Who would've guessed Kaoru and I had a thing for maids?

Haruhi seems to shrink a little, and that just further confirms his suspicions. With his confidence now restored knowing who the mystery guy is, Hikaru just smiles at her and shakes his head. How could I have not known? Clearing his throat, Hikaru takes Haruhi's hand, which was still rearranging drinks, and she freezes, shocked by the feeling of his hand touching hers.

"Prince Hikaru? Please stop-" she stammers, but he shushes her and tries to sound important. "Haruhi... uh... Commoner serving as a maid at this palace," he begins, and his confidence seems to slip away again as he notices his hand getting sweaty. "I ask you to accept my engagement to become my queen." Haruhi's face remains blank, staring at his hand. She's the one, right? My heart beats when I'm around her and she's driven me crazy cause I had no idea who he, Uh, she was, he thinks with desperation.

Looking up and locking eyes with him once again, she smiles gently at him. "No, now get back to the party," she says bluntly. For a few moments, Hikaru stands there, still holding her hand, not sure what he was expecting to hear: it wasn't like he talked to her or anything before less than five minutes ago.

Out of nowhere, Kaoru comes running into the ball room, red faced, and a hush falls over the crowd as they see how disturbed he seems. "Kaoru, what's wrong?" asks Hikaru, and the disturbed prince says, panting, "Ella has been abducted."

Immediately, Kyoya orders one of the head guards to start ushering the princesses and other royals out of the castle, but one of the princesses asks, "but who gets the proposal? The princes need to choose one of us by the end of the night!"

Suddenly, there's a ballroom full of angry princesses dressed finery shouting "one of us! One of us!" repeatedly as if they're apart of some sort of cult.

Silencing them and pushing up his glasses, Kyoya simply states, "I guess that will have to wait for now." Awestruck that the promise of a betrothal given by the princes at the third part of the Masquarade is being postponed, some of the girls resume shouting in outrage, as they're being escorted out.

Going up the Kaoru, Kyoya reassures him. "Don't worry. I'll send out the private police force to look for her." Shakily holding up a glass slipper, Kaoru mutters, "she was wearing this. The other slipper was broken..."

Seeing that his brother is worried sick, Hikaru leads him away from the commotion, and some of the eligible princesses have the audacity to boo them for not picking one of them. "You all suck now shut up!" Shouts Hikaru, and that just causes them to cry even more. "Hikaru, be nice," says Kaoru, but all Hikaru sees is Haruhi still trying to clean up the mess at her table. I can't believe that's her. The one who's been driving me crazy this entire time. And to reject me? Please. One day she'll see how great I am...
TBC. Please feel free to comment too and thanks for reading! I'll put up the next part very soon.

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