3) Seeing Double

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Standing there, you think about the recent turn of events. "Where are you?!," you shout, and immediately facepalm yourself because of your stupidity. Of course he wasn't going to reveal himself. Starting to speed walk, you make a few rights, and then a few lefts, eager to get out of this maze as soon as possible. That Kyoya guy was probably having a fit.

Soon, you hear some footsteps, other than your own, and race around the bend to see the boy with auburn hair standing there. "I got you!," you shout triumphantly, and he stops, turns, and looks at you.

"I guess you did," he says in a huskier voice than before, and he flashes a quick grin. Mentally noting this change, you observe him stand up taller, more proud perhaps, than before. "I like this game," he says, getting into a running position. "Let's play again!," and with that he runs away, leaving you by yourself once more.

Brushing your hair out of your face, you start to fan yourself as you begin to briskly walk again. This time, it only takes a matter of minutes, and just a few turns until you find him again.

This time, when you see him, he's tapping his foot, arms crossed, waiting for you. With every step you take as you approach, your heart beats more and more. You take not of the way his gentle eyes look at you, as well as his relaxed state. Also, you feel warmth rush to your cheeks as you see his hair, parted to the left, wave in the gentle breeze.

Wait- left part? "Wasn't your hair just parted on the right?," you ask, very confused. "No, it's been on the left the whole time," he says staring at you. "And why..." you say pausing for a moment, "why does you voice sound higher pitched than before too,?" You say curiously. Something was definitely up, you just didn't know what yet. And why does my heart beat so fast this time when it didn't the last?

"It's not high pitched!," he says defensively, and makes a pouty face. "Don't hurts my feelings," he remarks, starting to rock himself. On that note, you start to laugh. And laugh. And laugh. "Is this some joke to you?," you say, still giggling as he stands there, arms now at his side. "Obviously you're tricking me.... there must be two of you or something."

Starting to laugh harder, you fall on your knees because you can't stop, and you watch as the boy goes to the end of the path, looks over the edge, and makes a gesture. Your laughing immediately ceases to exist as you see not only him, but two hims walking over to you in synch.

Am I seeing double? You think to yourself, rubbing your eyes and getting off the ground. On one side stood the boy you were just talking to, with the left parted hair, and on the other, was his exact replica, except with his auburn hair parted on the right.

"I'm Hikaru," says the one with the left  parted hair, and you notice the lower voice from before. Wait- the one with the left parted hair from just before had left parted hair. "And I'm Kaoru," says his double, smiling mischievously, taking out his hand so he can shake yours- but you decline.

But wait- the one you were with a moment before had the higher pitched voice had hair parted on the left. The twin with the higher pitched voice now  had his hair parted on the right. This was all too much.

"Hold up," you say, taking a step closer to them. "You're tricking me again." "Really?," immediately says the one who introduced themself as Kaoru. "How do you know?," he questions, and they both lean in. What am I supposed to say???!!! You think to yourself panicking, and you look at each one of them. "The one from the initial encounter has the right parted hair," you say confidently.

"But how do you know,?" they both say in unison, wearing satisfied smiles as if they already know how this little game is going to end. "Initial encounter?," says Kaoru as he starts to laugh to himself a little. His brother follows suit and they start blurting out things to one another. "She's just like all those idiots at the parties!," one says, and, though you hate to admit it, you felt a little hurt at this statement. "Yeah, and she speaks all high and mightly with all of that fancy language!," says the one with the higher voice after.

You watch, kinda peeved, for a solid five minutes as they laugh on the floor with one another making similar comments. Finally collecting themselves (sort of), they look up at you and the lower voiced one says, "so...how do you know.. my lady?" And with that, another burst of laughter rang out, but they soon quieted down as they listened to your rant:

"The one with the right parted hair currently is the one that I met first with the higher pitched voice. He also sulks a little and has usually spoken second, which leads me to believe he is a little more reserved than his brother. Also, The one with the left parted hair speaks first usually and a lot more roughly, and seems to take on a superior attitude and be more proud and comfortable with himself."

Sighing with relief, you watch as the one with left parted hair's mouth falls open a little, and the one with right parted hair stares at you in total awe. "But...," begins the one with left parted hair, but the one parted with right parted hair interjects: "Hikaru, give up, she knew..." he says, not taring his gaze away.

Smiling triumphantly, you point to the one with left parted hair and say, "so you're Hikaru..." and then you point to the other figure, "and you're Kaoru." Somewhere in the back of your mind, you know that Kaoru is the one that, when you look at, your heart beats fast. Why doesn't that happen with Hikaru? You think.

"So how do I get out?," you say, trying to hide your sense of excitement, but ultimately failing. "You don't know who we are, do you?," says Hikaru, sounding a little somber. Kaoru's' face takes on the same look, but that wicked grin returns when he leans in to whisper to Hikaru.

Still sitting, both stretch their long legs out and tilt their heads (Kaoru's to the right and Hikarus to the left) and look at you. In synch, they say, "we have decided to call you dutchess." To your dismay, they start to laugh once again.

"Why is this so funny?!" You pout, and Kaoru says, "princess wasn't up to your high, lordly standards so dutchess fit much better!" smiling wide. After a few more minutes of laughter, you start to give them a death glare and they calm down. "Dutchess, do you know who we are?," Kaoru says, growing a little sad again.

Wracking your brain for ideas, you are unable to figure out who these two are. You don't know any identical twins... but... "oh no!," you say, starting to breathe heavily. "The entire kingdom of Ouran knows who you two are!," you says, starting to feel kind of dizzy.

Placing your hand on the hedge to steady yourself, you look at them one more time and whisper, "you're the princes." With that, you black out, falling onto the ground.

Ouran High School Host Club/Cinderella Fanfic (Kaoru x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now