Are U Cheating On Me

Start from the beginning

After crying for a while, I opened my eyes and realized it was dark outside. I got up, brushed myself off, and started walking towards the Southside. I went up to sweetpea's trailer and knocked on it. Sweetpea's opened the door with only his pj pants on.

"Whats up Tiny?" he asked. I looked at him and asked "Can I stay here for the night?". "Sure, but what about Thistlehouse and Cheryl" he asked me.

I looked down stopping the tears from falling and said "I got kicked out again, because she thought I was cheating on her, then I don't know what happened but I found myself choking her and then Heather came and stopped me before anything worse could happen". "Toni have you stopped taking your pills" sweets asked me.

I nodded my head ashamed and heard Sweetpea let out a deep sigh. "Alright come on in". I walked inside the trailer and walked into my room that Sweetpea had for me in case I ever came over and wanted to sleep over.

I didn't feel like doing anything so I walked over to the bed and flopped my body onto it. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I was sitting against the headboard when my alarm went off. I lazily stretched over the bed and turned it off. I couldn't get any sleep last night, I kept on getting flashbacks of me choking Cheryl, and decided to just stay up all night.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower to wake me up a little. After my shower I felt just a little bit better, but I also still felt like shit. I looked in the mirror and saw how bad I looked.

My hair was everywhere on my face and tangled. I had long dark bags under my eyes, and I had dry tear stains on my face.

I sighed and washed my face, to make it look better. After washing my face I looked in the mirror and I still looked bad. I decided that I would get dressed an put on some makeup to make myself look a little presentable.

I got my outfit on for the day and went back into the bathroom to do my makeup and de-tangle my hair. I finished my makeup and hair, and went to go wake up Sweetpea only to find him making breakfast. "Morning tiny" he said without turning around. "Morning sweets".

I sat down and waited for the food with my head on the table. I felt someone shake me and opened my eyes, seeing Sweetpea with two plates of food in his had. "Did you even sleep last night?" he asked while putting the plates on the table.

I shook my head and stabbed at my food. I didn't even feel like eating,but I knew Sweetpea would force me to eat just a little, so I ate a pancake and some of my scrambled eggs. I took a dip of my orange juice, got up and brought my dishes to the kitchen.

I scrapped the food I didn't eat into the garbage and washed my dishes. I turned around and saw Sweetpea nodding his head saying "Nice outfit Topaz". "Thanks" I said while smiling slightly.

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