ch.12 MARI?????

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Marinette's POV

I grabbed Hugo and emmas hand and we walked back to my father, "Ah there she is, Everyone this is my daughter the princess, soon to be queen and her children, Marinette, Hugo, and Emma" my father introduced us I waved well watching Emma wave, I hear a loud gasp and looked up... Oh shit, "MARINETTE???" My ENTIRE class yelled Alya and Nino come walking in behind me, "what's all this noi- oh..OH OH CRAP MARI IM SO SORRY I FORGOT TO WARN YOU" Alya yells, "YOU'RE A PRINCESS?!" Alex yells, "SINCE WHEN DID YOU HAVE KIDS?" someone else yells, "WHOS THE DAD??" Another yell, more yells, and questions broke out until someone walks in with luggage, "I deeply apologize for being late" I look at the man with messing blonde hair and bright green eyes...adrain, his eyes meet mine then they expand, he dropped his luggage and ran to me before crushing me in a hug making us fall over, he kisses me and I quickly push him off, I hear two small gasps, "HOW DARE YOU ATTACK MOMMY" all the sudden my kids are hitting him with the first object they could reach, Hugo had a book and Emma pulled A stick from her sock.

bridgette and I grabbed them, "Woah in sorry I'm so- wait, mommy?" He questions as I hid Hugo behind me, "Marinette you have kids" I look at the class who either had happy or confused faces, I cleared my throat, "welcome to china, my name is Marinette Bélanger, these are my children Hugo and Emma, this is my cousin Bridgette Bélanger and her boyfriend, Felix congratulations for winning mother contests" they looked confused, "what contest?" Max asked, "the teacher said we were invited there was no contest said, "oh really" I turned to my mother, "Allison why is it that you so happen to make a contest that my old class that I didn't want to know anything about this just so happened to win oh and they just so happened to not know about this contest" my voice got louder and angrier each word, I calmed down and faced my father, "ill take care of this Marinette" I nodded my thanks, "BLUE" I yelled and blue walked in from the kitchen, "can you pleeease show them around and where they'll be staying" blue nodded and I thanked him before turning around, my eyes flickered to adrain who was still sitting on the floor, damn he got hot.

After bridgette, Hugo, Emma and I changed we went to the park with Felix to calm down and by the time we got home, my father explained that ill be giving them a tour tomorrow.

gone with twinsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora