ch.8 goodbye kitty

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(I know I said I was going to post this next week but I'm taking a break from Wright so this is going out early I'll see you guys in 2020)

Marinettes POV

I swung to the tower and called chat suprisingly he answered, "Hey chat what are you doing transformed" I ask in the call, "oh um my friend just left and I'm little upset" he said with a tired tone, "listen I'm sorry ladybug but I really dont want to talk today" he said and I sighed, "I'm leaving today" I said and he sighed too, "then goodbye ladybug" he said with a harsh tone that broke my heart, "goodbye kitty" I whisperd to my self before swinging back to the airport and detranforming in an allies, I walked into the air port and grabbed my luggage that I hid in the supply closet, I had a an hour before the plane that I wanted to spend with chat but.... that doesn't seem like it'll happen, I sighed and sat down pulling out my phone to play a game

Meanwhile with chat

Id be lieing if I said it didnt really faze me that I didnt see ladybug one last time but I was so mad ladybug is leaving so is marine- wait

Flash back

"Here you go ms alya or should I say ms rena rouge" marinette whispered but my cat like hearing made it so I could hear, hmm weird why is she saying alya is rena I mean it would make se-, "why thank you ms ladybug or should i say ms chat noir" alta said and my heart beat like crazy okay so I'm guessing there just saying what hero they're most like maybe, I mean marinette does like chat and ladybug and chat are simply ment to be, that and marinette is like ladybug

Flashback over

I was so naive of course marinette is ladybug they look and act exactly alike er not exactly but you know what I mean, "plagg marinettes ladybug isnt she" I ask scared shitles plagg looks unfazed, "FINALLY YES SHE IS AND YOU JUST LET HER GO WITHOUT A GOODBYE" plagg yelled and my eyes widened more, "PLAGG CLAWS OUT" I screams and practically slammed my window open and ran as fast as I could tear running down my face, I grabbed my phone and called her untill she picked up, "oh hey adrein what's up" she said and I heard talking in the background, "STAY THERE IM ON MY WAY MARINETTE DONT MOVE" I yelled, "uh adrein I just boarded the plane it's about to take off why" she asked concerned, "please get off I'm on my way" I said, "what i didnt hear you.
Uh I gotta go the planes about to take off bye adrein" she said and hung up as soon as I got to the airport, I dropped to my knees, wait wait wait i.....i... fucked innocent marinette......WO SHE KINKY (jk jk jk unless)

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