ch. 3

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(hey guys I'm going to try and move the story a little quicker to this chapter will be her, her aunt, and uncle figuring out and next few will be her preparing, telling her parents, packing, moving ect and maybe a chapter of her classmates reaction)

Marinettes POV

At the moment I was yet again puking in the to I toilet, god I've been so sick lately, but I'm not going to worry my aunt and uncle about it so only tiki knows. once I was done dying, I clean up and walk into my room. any Normal person would say it's decently clean, but to me it's looked like a pigs pen (for anyone who doesn't know when a woman is pregnant they sometimes do this thing called nesting were they'll clean and organize like preparing a nest(home) for their baby) so I cleaned up my room I made my bed about five times, reorganized all my papers and book on my desk I folder every single peace of clothing in my dresser I pulled off all my picture of the walls and put the ones I like more in a frame that holds around 10 pictures, I then moved my Chase to the other side of the room leaving a big space next to my closet I'll figure out what to do with that later, I walked downstairs just in time for dinner to be ready, after I ate I put in my ear bud and did the dishes, in the middle of doing the dishes my uncle who shares the same music taste as me walked up, pulled out one of my ear buds, and stared listening to music and doing the dishes with me, after my aunt called me into her room and I walked in, she closed the door and told me to sit down, "yes aunt Sabin?" I respectfully asked my aunt, " well honey when you were at school I was looking for some dirty clothes to wash and I noticed your calendar, and around this time you'd be on your period so I checked your bathroom and noticed you don't have any pads or tampons do you need anymore is their something going on?" She ask and I stared thinking, " is it that time of month" I scratch my head, "weird I'm never late-" my face goes white and I drop my hand slowly, it's piecing together now the sickness, I'm late on my period, I'm cleaning, gaining alot of weight, I'm craving weird foods of God I'm pregnant WITH CHAT NOIRS CHILD, "A-aunt Sabin" I sob and she looked at me with an understanding, "don't worry sweetie you might not be pregnant, I want you to go wait in your room I'm going to run to the store and pick up a pregnancy test, once I get back I'll help you, and we'll tell your uncle if and only if it's positive we'll get your parents involved" she tells me with a reassuring tone and face, I nod  not really wanting to get my parents involved, my aunt grabbed her purse, keys and a jacket and left so I went up to my room when tiki flew out of my pocket, "oh Marinette don't worry it'll be fine I'm sure you aunt understands, your uncle might be a little upset, and cha-" I cut tiki off, " chat will not be knowing about this" I tell tiki and tiki looks shocked " what why?" She whisper yells, " I know chats a good person and he would never hurt me or the baby but he still a teenager like me and the baby is going to be hard to take care of I would NEVER do that to chat, that and if he is involved the state will make him pay to take care of the baby and he might not be able to afford that, and if I am, and if my parents get involved, their going to make me move back to China and raise the baby their and if I have a baby I won't have to get married to make sure theirs an heir" I explain to tiki but she looks like she still wants to fight, " I'm sorry tiki but whatever you say isn't going to change my mind and honestly I'd like to spend as much as time as I can with you cause Paris will need a new ladybug" I tell her and her expression saddens then angers then saddens again, "but Marinette your the best holder I've ever had I want to stay with you"
"and  I want to stay with you tiki" I tell her and my aunt knocks and tiki hides, I let my aunt in and she puts two plaset bags down she opens one and pulls out 3 expensive pregnancy test, I read the back of one the test has a 95% chance of being right it also tells you, how long, how many, and if their are any sighs of problems with the child (I don't know if anything like this exists but I'm putting it in cause it's easier to put the baby's info here and now) I sigh and she tells me what to do, I take all three test and go to the bathroom, once I'm done I put the cap on them, and put them on my bathroom counter, I walked into my room and my aunt was sitting on my Chase looking around, I sat next to her, none of us talked just silence, silence that scared the living day light out of me but a little calmer with the comfort from my aunt and tiki whos in my pocket, I decided even if I may not be pregnant I should tell my aunt about tiki and being ladybug that and I want tiki their, "hey aunt um I have to tell you something" I say facing her and she nodded for me to continue, "I'm well I'm... ladybug this is my kawmi tiki" tiki fly's out and she looks shocked, "and if I'm pregnant the father would be chat noir" I tell her in a quiet, scared, and slow tone, my aunt takes a minute to prosses what she just heard after a few seconds she nods and chuckles, "guess that's why we such a great ladybug she secretly q princess built like a war machine" (UwU drama that'll be uncovered in the future) I laugh at that and tiki giggles, "well it's nice to meet you tiki" my aunt's says, "you too mrs dupain cheng" tiki awnsers shaking my aunt's finger which makes me chuckle, a few seconds later 3 beeps were heard from my bathroom we all stood up and walked in, the test were faced upside down so me and my aunt, and tiki grabbed a test, I counted down from 3 and we flipped it over they all said the same thing

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