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("Bye bye 2019 you peice of shit"
Spots 2020 rolling in

(Oh and idk if I was clear in this book marinette and her class mates are 15 and her when her coronation happens shes 18)

Marinettes POV

I was on my jet to China we were about to land so I buckled up, put my tray up, and turned off my phone.

My guard who is sitting next to me did the same.
The plane lands so I grab my stuff and get off my private jet.

As soon as I step off a wave of cheers erupt in the air port.
My parents have told China about my arrival but not my pregnancy.

My eyes well up with tears as I smile my brightest smile and wave fighting back my teares.
I spot my dad standing at the front of the crowd and my mom who's on her phone with an annoyed look, now that started it I broke out in tears and hurried down the stair.
I quickly speed walk to them but stop in front, I whipe my tears and bow.

I look up to see my dad with tears in his eyes bowing, we both stand up and he hugs me,
"welcome home" he says quietly we hug for a second more before parting and getting into the limousine, we drive to the castle.

The driver parks, i get out and get tackled,
"gah" I yell and look to see my childhood friend Aria her nickname is is flower because she works in a flower shop we used to call her flower girl but with a new friendship came a new nickname.

Not far behind her was my other childhood friends

Blue is edens nickname because of his hair,

B is lights nickname cause his hair is also blue and he wear a beanie all the time,

Catherine nickname is cat because he likes cat and hates his name.

They walk to me and flower continues to hug me I chuckle and carefully push her off,
"Its amazing to see you" I say excitedly,
"I know I missed you so much mari" she wrapped me in another hug but this time the guys pulled her off me and hugged me,
"good to see you" cat said calmly,
"I miss you, i missed you, i missed you" B repeated well slightly jumping, blue just says quiet,
"it great to see you guys to" they let go and flower elbows cat,
"HA I got an amazing you 3 only got a great" she stuck her tongue out and cat flicked her forehead,
"ow" she rubbed the area where he flicked her, I laugh well B smiles, cat and Blue just roll there eye, and flower pouts,
"so your dad told us you were coming home, but why you're supposed to be In paris for another 3 years?"
B asked my smile disappeared and I looked down as a child would when they're being scolded,
"marinette whatever it is it's fine we'll support you" Blue grabbed my hand and gave a small smile, flower whatched this gesture and did the same, b and cat just put a hand on my shoulder,
"um well I'm pregnant" I confidently say.

They looked shocked but happy.
Flower hugs me again but lighter, "CONGRATULATIONS MARS" she yells,

"Wheres the dad" a voice behind me speaks.
I turn around to me met with my cousin bridgett, I yell her name and hug her,
"Hey Sis from another mist" she squealed.
We part from the hug,
"so where's the father" she asks,
"Oh uh he doesnt know, and hes in Paris" I quietly say,
"What's his name" she asks sternly,
"I uh- I dont know" I whispered watching myself fidget with my hands,
"You dont know?, thats fucked up" she raised her voice,
"Um I'm ladybug" I quietly say,
"Yeah you're entire family us 4 know, like sorry but there is no way someone in Paris is more capable of being a superhero except you" B says from behind me,
"You know chat noir then" they nodded,
"Hes the dad" tears threatened to fall but I held them back.

They all hugger me and we went back inside

(Just a quick (A/N)
This is flower




(NONE of these pictures are mine, credit goes to owner)

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