Chapter 20

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Sorry to not mention this earlier but Cedric Diggory is alive and breathing. He took the flying lesson position since Madam Hooch wanted no part in the war. Might I add that he his a year older than Lucifer and everyone else in his year. Oh and I'm warning you this time but there is smut in this chapter. I realise now that I didn't warn you in a previous chapter about smut. I do not wish to filthy any clean minds. We need more innocents in the world. There will be a warning, no need to worry innocents.

Lucifer awoke early in the morning, two weeks later, with a huge yawn. He got out of his bed and walked over to his wardrobe. He donned his usual Slytherin robes and his black boots.
He made his way out to the common room and joined Draco down to breakfast. Once they were sat down Draco pulled out his schedule.
'We have DAAM first.'

'Ok. It's nice how they changed the name. Defense against all magic. At least we get to learn how to defend ourselves against all types of magic. Oh and Professor Carrow is excellent at teaching it.' Lucifer said as he told food on his plate.

'Well if you love him so much go join him on the front table.' Draco mumbled. Lucifer gasped.

'Oh Dray are you jealous.' Lucifer chuckled.

'No.' Draco mumbled, slowly turning red.

'You are. Aww that's so sweet honey. But I only love you.' Lucifer chuckled again, placing a kiss in Draco's cheek.

'Ugh, you too are adorably sickening.' Pansy said pretending to be sick. Draco and Lucifer rolled their eyes at her and carried on eating their food. They soon finished and made their way to the first lesson of the day.

'Today we will be covering something different. Some wizards and witches go through a creature inheritance.' Professor Carrow said, bringing the lesson to a start. Lucifer and Draco looked towards each other nervously.
'Some of you may have already gone through one. And no need to worry, you aren't about to shout from roof tops of what you are. Unless you want to of course. I'm not going to pressure you into doing something you don't want to do. Turn your books to page eight hundred and sixty four.' Everyone did so. 'That's it. Thank you. Read over that page and put your hand up when your done.' Lucifer was the first to put his hand up, then Draco, and then it was like dominoes and the rest of the class finished reading the page. 'Great. Now let's see how much you remember. If someone, who had a creature inheritance, were to be shot with a killing curse what would happen.' Harriett raised her hand slowly.
'Yes, Miss. Potter.'

'Upon being shot they would have a few minutes until they died. If they had a mate, and they most likely will unless they weren't excepted by their significant other, then their mate will die minutes later or the next day. The next day is rare though. Though if one died from natural courses then the mate would die at the same time.' Harriett answered.

'Correct! And that was a excellent description. 10 points to Gryffindore. And an extra five for adding that end part.'Professor Carrow replied. 'Can you explain what a mate is Miss. Potter.'

'Yes, it's basically a soulmate. Someone with the same soul as you or almost like, in some cases. It's your one true love, in other words. Some may think it's forced but they have the option to decline their life mate. But it rarely happens. And you most likely have feelings for your mate before your inheritance and finding out whom your mate is.' Harriett answered.

'Yes, well done. Another 10 points to Gryffindore. Never thought in my entire life I'd be saying those words, let alone twice. Wow teachings doing weird things to me.' Professor Carrow mumbled to himself. Though most the class heard and laughed. 'Does anyone in this class, who has had an inheritance and has a mate, want to come forward and help the class understand?' Lucifer turned to Draco with a shrug. Draco shrugged his shoulders as well.

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