Chapter 6

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Hiya my lovelys.

Hope you enjoy.

"Lu honey. Time to get up." Aunty cissa whispered to Lucifer. He whinned and hid his face with the blanket. "Fine.... no food then." Lucifer shot up and jumped of the bed.

"I'm up." He almost shouted. Cissa chuckled and walked out of the room."Ohhhh. She tricked me.... again. Why am i so dumb?"

"Beats me." Lucius said suddenly, scaring the shit out of Lucifer. Lucifer growled slightly. "Jee i'm sorry." Lucifer stopped growling and left the room. Lucius following behind. Although since Lucifer didn't like walking in front of someone he stopped and let Lucius walk in front. Lucius knew why he did it, so he didn't question.

They walked into the dinning room and sat down. Ten minuets later Draco came through the door. "Father, i think my mate went through an inheritance last night. I felt their pain. But i didn't hear anyone scream in the house so...." he said the last part glancing at Lucifer. Luficer looked Draco in the eyes and thankfully... his wings popped out. Lucifer rushed over to Draco and engulfed him in a hug and covered them with his wings.

"Oh thank Merlin it's you. I don't know what i would do without you."

"Me neither." Draco said hugging him back. "Now you need to eat. Its your birthday and you went through your inheritance last night so that would have taken a lot of energy." Draco pulled away from the hug and dragged Lucifer to his seat. He made Lucifer sit down, then he sat down next to him.

They had their food and all got dressed and went to Lucifer's home. When they got there Lucifer tried to get away.

"Well, i'll be in the libary. Call if you need me." Lucifer said walking off. Although a hand stopped him.

"Uhh nope. It's your birthday. Your not spending all day in the library, alone, again."

"Who said i would be alone baby? Would you like to join me in the library love seat?" He replied smirking.

"I ummm."

"For some snuggles......"

"Oh Merlin darnit. Fine. Bring his presents to the library. I want snuggles." He mumbled, dragging, a smirking Lucifer. They got to the library and snuggled up on the love seat.

"I know your a neko, Dray... I can smell it....... I love it." He said as he kissed Draco's head. Draco purred at the feeling. Draco let his ears and rail show and snuggled in more to Lucifer.

They lay there for half an hour, but were interupted when Tom, Severus, Lucius and Narcissa came in. Lucius and Narcissa had five presents floating behind them. But Tom and Severus were holding a cake.

"Happy birthday, to you.
Happy birthday, to you.

Happy birthday dear, Lucifer....

Happy birthday, to you...."

Lucifer laughed and blew out the candles. Before he could say anything Lucius cheered, in his own little.... way.....



HIP HIP REPLACEMENT!" (A/N my family sing this everytime. It is stuck in my head)

"Really Lucius." They all said in unison.

"What! Someone had to!" Lucius threw his hands up in defence. Everybody laughed at him. "Here. Open this one first." He handed over a small long box.

Lucifer sat up and took the box. He gave Lucius a suspicious look, then opened the present. His eyes widened and he took the object out of the box. He held it in the air getting a good look at it. It was a dagger. The handle was white with a silver snake around it. In the box there was another dagger. But it was on a white collar. Another object cought his eye. It was a fluffy cushion. Obviously it had been shrinked. Lucifer could feel other magic on the cushion, then just a simple shrinking spell. He gave a questioning look to Lucius.

"The collar is for Jasper, and the cushion is for Slither. The cushion has a warming charm on it." Lucifer gave him a nod of understanding.

"Thanks Luci." Lucius smiled at him and Narcisa gave him the present, from her.

He opened the box to find 3 pairs of throwing knives. White, dark green and royal blue. All with the same snake pattern. Although the one of the white ones had a jaguar on it, instead of a snake.

"Thank you, aunt cissa." She hugged him and Severus gave him a medium sized box. Lucifer opened the box and a large grin appeared on his face. He tackled Severus in a hug and thanked him a million times. In the box were very rare potion ingreadents and Severus' very own book.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH SEV!" Lucifer shouted.

'No problem. And mother is fine.' Sverus chuckled. Lucifer blushed but stopped when he was handed a small box from his father. He opened the box to see two silver wedding rings. On the inside 'i will love you for eternity ' was carved into it. He looked at them and blushed. "Thanks father."

"Its fine son." He smiled.

Draco handed him the present, from him and gave Lucifer a kiss on the cheek. Lucifer smiled and opened the box. Inside was a book. He opened the book to see lots and lots of pictures of everyone. "I know how much family means to you, so i made this. It can fit an unlimited amount of photos in, so take as many as you like." Lucifer gave Draco a soft kiss on the lips and smiled at his boyfriend.

"I know its my birthday but.. I got you something, Dray." He said snapping his fingers and a square box appeared in his hands. He gave Draco the box and smirked.

Draco opened the box cautiously but slammed it closed again as soon as he saw what was in there. He was blushing madly, so Lucifer burst out lauging. Lucius, being the curious man he is, got up and took the box from his son. Draco wined in protest but failed. Lucius opened the box and laughed. He handed back the box to his son, still laughing. Lucius whispered in Tom's ear and now Tom was laughing. Severus and Narcissa sat there looking amused. They already knew what it was. Lucifer had asked for help to get the right one.

Inside the box, lay a black and red collar. 'Mine' was carved into the silver name tag.
Hope you enjoyed.

Sincerely Izzy.

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