Chapter 18

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A/N I have changed their aged they are 18 now. They are in their last year at Hogwarts. Sorry if I have confused the hell out of you😁.

'They're here! Get to your places!' Severus whisper yelled as he held a rope. Everyone nodded and scattered.
Tom walked up to the family of red heads with a forced smile.

'Hello Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Glad you could make it again this year.' He said shaking Mr. Weasley's hand.

'Like wise Mr. Riddle. Although if it weren't a formal event, we wouldn't have come.' Mr. Weasley answered with a sneer on his face, wiping his hand on his cloak. Tom raised his eyebrow at them.

'Now now Mr. Weasley this is a, like you said, formal event. It is time for peace. Don't embarrass yourself more than you have already. And are you so biased of your side that you can't let go of a stupid war for one night?' Tom replied gaining a few guests attention. Mr. Weasley glared at him and walked away. Mrs. Weasley and Miss. Weasley rushing after him, leaving the other male Weasley's behind.

'Sorry Mr. Riddle for my father's manners. I do wish he could shut up sometimes.' Charlie sighed holding out his hand. Tom smiled and shook the hand.

'Its fine Mr. Weasley.' Tom answered letting go if the man's hand.

'My name is Charlie. This is Bill, Persy, Fred and George, and Ron. Our sister, who ran after our daft parents, is Ginny.' Charlie said and pointing to who the names belonged to. Tom turned to the twins and smiled.

'Its nice to meet you all. And I've heard that you two are the Slytherins in the family?' Tom questioned. The twins nodded frowning.

'Our parents don't really like it much.' Fred stared, whispering sadly.
'We are basically locked in our rooms during the holidays.' George finished, also whispering sadly.

'Well don't be sad about what house your in. Personally I think it's the best house their. I am Lord Slytherin for a reason. Plus I don't think you'll be upset all night. If you have been to this event before you should know we prank someone every year.' Tom smirked. The boys eyes lit up and their frowns turned to grins.
'And we have chosen to prank two, maybe three, certain people.' He chuckled.

'You need any help?' All male Weasley's chorused. Tom laughed at them.

'Sit back and watch the show. We have everything planned out. In fact my son is leading them to their destination right now.' Tom winked at them.

'Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley and Miss. Weasley, how nice to see you at the ball again.' Lucifer smiled as he walked up to them.

'Like wise, young Mr. Riddle.' Mrs. Weasley grinned evily. She still hoped that she could change Lucifer's mind to change sides.
'What side were you placed in Hogwarts? My children are forbidden to tell us.'

'Walk with me please.' Lucifer sighed. The three Weasley's nodded and they all started to walk. Lucifer leading them to the other side of the ballroom.
'Now I must admire your passion you two. Every year you ask something about me and the sides of the war. You must have a really large passion of knowing what side I'm on. But the answer to your question... i too am a student at Hogwarts and I too am forbidden to tell any other parents what side I'm on. And I'm pretty sure you are other parents since your not mine. So I can not tell you. However, I will say that your hopes of me being on the light side are crushed.' He finished coming to a stop. 'And i must ask you to stop asking me questions about the war every year.' The two adults and child looked mad so Lucifer smiled innocently at them and stepped back.

Severus saw the smile and let go of the rop. A large bell was heard throughout the ballroom and every looked frightened as they knew what the bell meant. Moments of silence went by as they waited for the prank on the poor person to be placed on.
A large bucket of semi-permanent glue was dropped all over the Mr. Weasley and the two female Weasley's. They screamed at the amount. Feathers, glitter, sequins and another unknown liquid also fell from other buckets and covered the three head to toe.
Silence was heard again as everyone took a moment to realise what happened.
It was almost like dominoes as a snort was heard from somewhere in the ballroom. After the snort more people snorted, turning into giggles, then to full out laughter. Most of the hall was on the floor in fits of laughter as the three Weasley's made their way to the nearest fireplace. Luckily Rita Skeeter was their and took tons of photographs. Though as they tried to floo home the fireplace weren't working. Obviously a home full of Slytherin's weren't going to leave the nearest floo to them open. They screamed in frustration and legged it to the other fireplace. This one worked and they were gone in seconds. It took whole five minutes before everyone stopped laughing and continued with the ball.

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