Chapter three

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Hiya lovelys.
Hope you enjoy.


"Uncle Luci! Where are youuu?" Lucifer called.

"In here lu!" Lucius called back from his study. Lucifer walked into the room.

"Hey... i need to ask you something important" he said.

"Ask away" Lucius said looking up from his paper work. Lucifer took a breath and asked...

"I have known your son since i got here and he has been nothing but the nicest person on earth to me. I love him so much and i wanted to ask you if i could ask him to be my boyfriend and hopefully in time my husband?"

"Oh well thats a big question." Lucius got up and walked to Lucifer. "Would you die for him? Would you live for him? Would you take after him when we can't? Will you love him forever?"

"Yes i would die for him. Yes i would live for him. Yes i would take care for him if you can't and even when you can. And without a doubt i will love him for eternity. I couldn't live without him." Was his answer.

"Then yes, yes you can ask him. And if he says yes then in time you can marry him."

"THANK YOU UNCLE LUCY" Lucifer engulfed Lucius in a hug. "And by the way i owe you 10 gallons."

"Yes! i knew it! Thank you Tom and Severus." Lucius said pulling away from the hug. "Pay up" he extended his hand. Lucifer glared at him but he did pay up. "Already 10 gallons toward your wedding."

"Uncle luci! I haven't even asked him." Lucifar wined.

"Then what are you waiting for Lu. Go ask him. He is in the libary. You know where. He seemed a bit upset. Go go."

"Thank you byeee." Lucifer shouted running out the room.


Thats this chapter done.

Sincerely Izzy.

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