Chapter 10

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Gory scenes. Remeber i did mention that Lucifer is more insane than his father.

Weeks had passed and it was time for Lucifer's plan to be set in motion. First was a test. He would set up a little challenge in the chambers and pick a student from Gryffindore to complete it. If they failed, they were obliviated and sent away. If they passed however, Lucifer had a suprise. Of course as soon as one passed he would wait a while before doing the test again. After the Gryffindore's he would test the Ravenclaws's. Then Hufflepuff. He had already done Slytherin last year. Everyone failed.

So far 10 Gryffindores had failed. Lucifer was currently watching his 11th Grffindore go through the test. They were seated down and watched everything Dumbledore had done. The test was to see whether they believed or agreed with him. If they didn't, they failed. If they did, they past.

When the Gryffindore stopped watching she scoffed and said "i don't care. The old git has a point. And i am not leaving his side. He is going to be the one to win the war." Lucifers bored frown turned to a creepy smile. Someone had passed his test. He hadn't had fun for awhile.

Lucifer walked out from the shadows and cast a spell on the girl making her dangle upside down a few meteres away from the hard concrete floor. "Letss have fun sshall we. Lucifer couldn't help but speak parstletoung. He was having to much fun.

The girls face paled at the sight of him, his smile and language not helping one bit. She had obviously pissed herself since you could see a wet patch on her skirt, which thankfully still covered her private areas. The wet patch moved down and rolled down the side of her, driping on the floor. Lucifer grimaced and got to action.

He casted many spells. Including a cutting spell to cut open her stomach, making her gut fall out but still clinging to the insides of her body. He cut her hand off and put it in a box. Putting a charm on it so it doesn't smell or rot. He also lifted one finger and closed the rest. He moved back to the girl and since he was bored with her now, he finished her off. He cut of her head and put it in the box as well. Putting charms on the head, he covered the box with a lid.

Lucifer set fire to her body and it turned to ash. He refreshed the air in the chambers so it didn't smell like death. Satisfied he went to the great hall and placed the box on the floor between the Professors table and the house tables. He went back to his own room and slept. Preparing for the day after.

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