Chapter 12

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All 'neutrals' had now gone and classes were finally fun. No more 'lights'. And the next day everyone had been sorted by the hat separately and it chose whether they were truely 'light' or 'dark'. And they were done away from Dumbledore in a room with Mcgonagal. Since she was 'neutral' and depty headmistress. Parents weren't told either. So the three brats were sorted into the 'dark' classes, luckily. As well as Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Percy Weasley, George and Fred Weasley.

Lucifer was currently going through his sorting. 'Hmmm, your tricky Lucifer.' the hat spoke into his head.

'Like always Alaster.' Lucifer replied. Alaster chuckled.

'I can sense your beliefs. But you need to pick your side. So which do you choose?' Alaster questioned.

'The apparent dark side please."

'Very well.'
"DARK!" Alaster shouted.

"Come along Lucifer. I have others to sort. You took a while so i don't have much longer left." Mcgonagal rushed him out the room. Lucifer exited and was greeted by all his friends.

They looked at him expecting an answer to the long wait. Lucifer sighed and spoke. "Because of my beliefs he had a dificult time sorting me. In the end he had to ask. So i am with the 'dark' side, do not worry about that. Now come on. I want to go outside and stretch." Everyone laughed and made their way outside. By stretch he ment he was ganna turn into a snake.

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