chapter 12

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Hinats pov

I was out of breath from running to the bathroom stall. I felt my chest getting tighter and tighter, my hands  shaking. I opened my bag and grabbed my blade with my shaking hand and pulled up my sleeve with the other. I then held the blade to my skin and pushed harder agenst it and dragging it to the Other sid of my arm a wave of relief hits me as I see the blood dripping down my arm I done this again and agian until I was completely satisfied.

I only then realised the blood wasnt stopping 'I must have done it deeper than usual'  just to be safe I grabbed a bottle of water from my bag and pored it on my arm over the toilet to rinse off the blood. I then carefully bandaged up my arm It wasnt as neat as when tsukishima had bandaged me up earlier but I cant ask him to bandage me up now or he would be able to tell that I cut myself well.....its not thai do it because I want to kill myself it just helps and I dont want him to get the wrong Idea about me and end up pitying me and I..... i just dont want to be seen that way.

I left the bathroom stall and stared at my reflection in the mirror only to see large bags under my eyes and covered In bandages and cuts I just stared at myself thinking how everyone has seen how I look and no one not one person has questioned me or thought I needed help all thanks to that idiotic fake smile I am forced to wear if they looked closer they could see how fake it is and how dull my eyes are. I dont know how long I've been stareing in to my dull, lifeless eyes. That's when I heard it a click of the door opening, but I didn't care. I was so focused on my reflection that I knew someone just stood and stared at me for a moment. they suddenly ran away


Sorry it's so short

Who do you think should be the person who walked into the bathroom? It can be anyone in the training camp

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