the truth behind his mask

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Hinata was known as the sunshine of karasuno he was just a ball of energy that everyone loves, but was that really the truest version of him? No, hinata was not as happy as he seemed, but he just his his pain behind his mask and kept everyone he knew at arms length.

Hinata p.o.v

I woke up from my nightmare sweating and in agony. Thinking about what would happen when I got downstairs, just the thought made me shiver in fear. I started to hyperventilate ond the only thing that could stop me from having a panic attack was 'that' so I opened the box I kept under my bed and grabbed my razor blade and made 1 cut....2 cut.....3 cut...4...5 on each arm I think I done it deeper than usual as there was so much blood but at least I didnt have a panic attack. I bandaged up my arms and got changed for school. As I got down stairs I heard a creak and I knew he was there I tried to rush so he didn't see me but he did and so I slowed down and greated him "good morning father"

He glared at me and greeted me with a bottle thrown at my head that smashed and grazed my cheek. he then slowly approached me pining me to the wall when he unbuttoned the top two buttons of my shirt put his mouth in the crook of my shoulder then roughly bit into it causing me to Yelp " AH" as he heard this something in his eyes sparked and he sucked roughly causing my pale skin turn a bluish purple. I was trembling in fear when my legs gave out, making me fall to the ground. I sat there not moving, hoping he would leave, but he didn't he kicked me multiple times in my stomach. I could taste blood in my mouth.

"Dad, I....I have to get to school or I'll b...e late." I was barely able to screech out

" Oh yea, we dont wanna ruin that perfect attendance, do we?" My dad said while smirking at me. " now tidy yourself up and get to school" I done as he said and was leaving out the door when i feel his breath on my ear "I would have killed you years ago if you didnt look so much like your mother you even feel like her and I'm not gonna waste that no am I? Now be a good boy and dont come home late. I want to have some when you get back. " Hearing the last sentence sent shivers down my spine, but all I could do was listen to him."ok dad, I'll be home on time. "

Time skip to practice ~♡~♡~

I just reached the gym putting on my best smile so they dont find out about my so-called family issues.' I knew I was a bit late due to the incident back at home. I peeked into the gym to see if everyone was there yet, and they were every single team member. All I could do was laugh nervously until I heard someone gasp and scream, " What happened to your cheek? Why is it cut? And why is your shirt so messy?" I looked up only to see suga. I liked suga he made me feel calm that I didn't have to worry about my father or anything like that, but he always seemed overprotective.

"Hey suga well to answer your questions I scratched my cheek with one of my sharp nails by accident and about my shirt well I was in a rush cuz I woke up late ahaha" i answered with a smile

" oh ok well be more careful next time now go get changed," suga said with worry

" Yes, i will, suga." I got nervous after suga pointed out my top as tsukishima was behind, and well, it always seemed like he could see through everything, see through me.... so as to stop thinking about this I turned around and ran to get changed just as I was almost finished unbuttoning my shirt I felt a hand over my shoulder and I had a memory of my father making me terrified making me scream "I'm sorry! Please dont touch me!!!" Buy this point. I was crouched on the ground, trembling and tears in my eyes. I didn't hear anything, so I assumed I was imagining things and went to stand up and slowly turned to look behind me, only to see tsukishima just staring at me when suddenly his eyes widened. I didnt know why until I looked down only to see my shirt had fallen off my shoulder revealing the bite marks and hickeys the only thoughts that ran through my head were that he saw me and heard what I said. I couldn't hold back my tears all my effort, facades and lies and all it took for someone to see me was me being paranoid I swiftly pulled my shirt back over me and smiled like it never happened.

" Hey tsukishima, how come you're up here?" I say enthusiastically

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