[41. Take a Hike]

Start from the beginning

"Seriously, shut up," Lucy nudged her with her elbow, making her laugh. "Now I know why we don't talk about our sex lives."

"Well, before last night, you didn't have one, Lulu. And besides," Elena flinched, dodging Lucy's elbow. "Stefan's one of your best friends and I didn't want to make it weird."

"Thanks, then," Lucy bit her lip, hesitating for a second. "Elena, I have to tell you something..."

There was no way she wasn't going to tell Elena about Stefan calling her last night. It might hurt Elena that he didn't contact her but she knew if she didn't tell her sister, she'd be furious. Plus, it would be nice for Elena to know that Stefan was alive and fighting for himself. Besides, there was nothing romantic about the call at all—Lucy did not go after taken men, especially her sister's boyfriend—Stefan hadn't even spoken, for crying out loud.

"What's up?"

"Stefan called me last night," Lucy confessed, watching as her sister perked up. "He didn't speak or anything but I knew it was him."

"He called you?" Elena blinked and looked down at her lap. "He didn't call me."

"It's probably because he knew that if he heard your voice, he'd want to come home," Lucy said honestly, trying to comfort her. "His breathing was shaky already. I think he was upset."

Elena nodded solemnly. "Do you think he's okay?"

"I think he's struggling...but he's strong, Lena."


Lucy squeezed her hand and smiled. "I was hoping that Liz could trace the call. Do you want to come with me? If we find out where he is, maybe we can look for him."

Elena nodded and gave her a thankful smile. "Of course I'll go with you."


After a quick stop at city hall, five unanswered text messages sent to Caroline, and ten ignored calls to Damon, Lucy and Elena pulled up to the Salvatore Boarding House. The yard was meticulous and when they entered the house, it was like the party from the previous night never happened.

Damon must have hired cleaning services; Lucy was impressed with their work.

The sisters made their way to the second floor and entered Damon's room, finding him ripping down papers from his closet door while listening to yet another newscast about Andie's death.

"Just can't stay away, can you?" he asked bitterly, sensing their presence.

"You've been dodging my calls," Elena put her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, well, I've been busy dating a dead fake-girlfriend and all."

Lucy frowned sympathetically and Elena visibly softened.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she asked him.

Damon scoffed. "Happy birthday, Elena. Stefan killed Andie. Cake?"

He stepped away from his closet and dropped the piles of papers he had collected on Stefan on the bed. Elena sighed and turned to face him, crossing her arms over her chest.

"He called Lucy, Damon."

Damon raised his eyebrows at them. "What?"

"Stefan called me last night," Lucy reiterated Elena's statement.

Damon cocked his head, pretending not to be interested. "Well, what'd he say?"

"He didn't say anything but it was him," Lucy insisted. "We asked Liz if she would trace the call's origin. It came from Tennessee."

Sincerely Yours [Stefan Salvatore]Where stories live. Discover now