He nods, brown eyes flashing that adorable green. "Huh... So, that explains the demonic glow, rather than a happy sparkle," he teases.

I laugh. "Probably. C'mon, library. Let's go!" 

Kai chuckles as I move to dash out the door, and grabs me by my wrist. "Shower first, yeah?"

At his words, I groan, though I know he's right. I haven't bathed properly in days, and I'm probably grimy in some less than fun places. Kai continues to laugh at my discontent whilst tugging me into our bathroom. 

Kai steps into the glass cubicle to turn on the warm water and within an instant, steam begins to fill the small room, flowing into the bedroom since the door is open. I stand outside, kicking my shoes off so that I'm now barefoot on the cold tile. I bite my lower lip, watching with unbidden desire as Kai tugs his now damp shirt over his head in that sensuous way that practically every guy does.

He's obviously had a shower already, and it puts a pause on my desire for the briefest of seconds that he didn't look for me, but I don't dwell on it for long.

He tugs down his sweatpants, revealing that he wears nothing underneath. I inhale sharply, and cough quietly to hide my gasp. Not really the time to get distracted.

Naked as the day he was born, Kai steps out of the spray and stands in front of me. Gingerly, obviously not wanting to disturb my wings, Kai pulls my cheer shirt over my head and off of my arms.

My bra quickly follows.

He then stoops to his knees, and placing kisses on either hip bone, tugs the material down my legs, grabbing my panties as he does so. When they reach the floor, he stands, grabbing my hand in his, allowing me to step out of my skirt.

Unspeakingly, and still as gingerly as ever, Kai pulls me into the spray, our new showering system assaulting us from either side, allowing us both to be thoroughly doused by the water. As the warmth of the water rushes over me, it occurs to me that more than anything, I want him to hold me. To enfold me in his arms, and wrap me in the comforting heat that I so adore.

My wings get in the way of that. At the thought, I grab my soap and begin to scrub at my body with renewed impatience. The faster I shower, the faster I can get to the library. When I begin to rinse my body clear of suds, I can feel Kai moving behind me and once I've finished, I attempt to head out of the shower, but Kai stops me with a quick tug on my arm.

It's gentle, but with the force of a werewolf, I'm spun, bare into his body. My left arm is pinned by Kai's and my right arms, and with the way the right is wrapped around my body, I can't move it either. Subconciously, I'm aware that my wings have receded, saving themselves from being crushed between our limbs.

"Wait," Kai murmurs, dropping his lips to mine.

I moan into his mouth, allowing myself to be drawn into his intoxicating kiss, for the longest of brief moments, before I pull attempt to pull away.

"We. Should. Get. To. The. Library."

Each time I try to speak, an open mouthed kiss is dropped on my lips, trying to coerce me into staying.

"It can wait," Kai murmurs. Mimicking my words from before, he drops his voice a couple octaves and says, "Don't you want me?"

Just Another Fairy Tail (18+) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now