"here goes," mark whispered, and then he began to translate, "it's okay park, i know you feel bad, i can see it just in the way you're looking at me now. and it's okay, i know that ultimately this was all my fault. i mean come on, i was the one who shot someone else, not you. it's my fault i'm here, not yours. but at the same time i can't help but hate you,"

park took a sharp breath in, looking to yugyeom in horror.

"i can't help but hate you because you prioritized jaebeom over me. that's the man i hate more than anything in this world. he made it impossible for me to speak, and you have no idea how fucking hard it is to do that, to spend your whole life like an object, because only people who speak asl can talk to you. and we live in fucking korea! no-one speaks asl. it'd be weird. so the only people i talk to are bambam and mark, and, i love you guys, but it's not enough,"

"gyeom," bambam whispered, moving closer to the bars with teary eyes. yugyeom only sobbed harder.

"i feel so isolated and so alone. and it's all jaebeom's fault. so when you stood up for him, i felt like pure shit. shit, jinyoung. yes, jinyoung. your name is jinyoung, i don't know why you ever went for park- you're jinyoung and i love you, and i miss you. i miss you laughing and bullshitting with us, being crackheads, having a joke. now you're just... mean,"

park was crying now, his shoulders shaking and mark's voice cracked as he continued translating, he couldn't bare to watch park cry, it hurt his heart in a way he hadn't expected.

"jinyoung where did you go? since when did you stand up for a guy as evil as jaebeom and not us? whoever this park guy is, i don't want him anymore. so whilst i'm angry at you for taking the side of literal satan, i'm also glad we're slowly getting you back. even today, you look more like jinyoung than you have for a long time. if you really can get up on the stand and lie, or stand up for me or whatever you plan on doing, then i'll know for sure that jinyoung is back. park can die,"


"that's it. that's all he said,"

yugyeom nodded along, his tears had dried up somewhere in the last few seconds of mark speaking and he was now looking at all his friends, eyes taking them all in, wondering if maybe it'd be the last time he saw them all together.

he noticed how close they all stood, like in the time he had been gone they had become better friends. he noticed how mark's eyes drifted to park every few seconds, looking from the bottom all the way to the top. yugyeom cocked an eyebrow, wondering if maybe there was something going on between them, he knew park was gay.

and then he noticed how they were all walking away. wrapped in his thoughts, he hadn't noticed the police officer gently motion for them all to leave, and then suddenly they were leaving and he couldn't call them back because he couldn't speak.

before he had gone to the warehouse with jaebeom he had made a promise to mark, to tell him the full story, no secrets, as a sort of repayment for calming him down when he was freaking out about bambam.

this was maybe his last chance to do so.

as luck would have it, the officer looked back just as an afterthought, and saw his frantic waves to get attention. she called the boys back, "sorry guys, mr kim looks like he wants to say something."

yugyeom nodded, mark, i need to talk to mark

"he says he wants to talk to me," mark said and the officer gestured for him to go back to the cell.

"alrighty, i think i can trust you to not bust him out or anything, i'll be waiting with the others outside the sign that says 'courtrooms' we'll meet you there,"

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