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Greyson's parents were kind enough to take them back to the island and get them settled in the house Greyson and I were staying in. He had apparently booked us a stay in a very beautiful, very expensive resort place on another small island close by. So we packed for that and left on a boat for the island.

Astonishing is not even close enough of a word to describe this place. It looks like something out of a magical movie. And as soon as the owners had heard Greyson Reynolds and his new wife were staying they pulled out all the stops.

Our engagement and relationship really wasn't published anywhere after the initial buzz about me quitting and him looking for a new assistant. We were careful with things we did, not wanting to the the headline of every news paper. But I am sure these people are more than happy to pass along the word. But I didn't care.

"This is...wow." Greyson laughed at my shocked face.  "I will never get used to this." I mumbled. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, enjoying the view with me. "Thank you." He mumbled, kissing my neck. "For what?" I asked softly. "Coming into my life. Loving me. Everything." I smiled and leaned my head back, kissing his jaw. "You're welcome." He chuckled and spun me around. "Alright Mrs. Reynolds, we are about to spend days fucking and being naked, are you prepared for that?" I thought for a moment, stroking my chin. "I should be able to handle that." He smirked and picked me up bridal style, carding me into the bedroom. Rose petals covered the ground and bed, candles already lit, it was beautiful. "I love you" I said pulling him on top of me, immediately connecting our lips. He wasted no time in pulling off his shirt and easily discarding my dress. After he was naked I was left in only one thing, a blue garter on my thigh. He stood there, admiring me for a moment and I appreciated him as well. Every insecurity I've had in my life melted away. This is where I'm meant to be. This is home.

"Are you sure you don't wanna go again?" I laughed, panting. "Shit Grey, isn't it usually the woman who can last longer?" He chuckled, pulling me into him. "With you baby, I can go forever." He kissed my head and we both relaxed. I starred out the open double doors at the beach, everything about this moment is surreal. I can't say it enough, I would have never pictured myself here with Greyson. I smiled to myself and trailed my fingers up and down his side, where his largest tattoo sat. "What's it going to be like?" I asked softly. He hummed. "What do you mean?" "Life." I looked up at him and he cracked a small smile. "I'm not going to lie to you angel, there are downsides to living how we do. And there's no doubt in my mind that the next year or so will be a media frenzy because of our marriage. Many people won't like our marriage and many people will probably say horrible things about you." "You're making it sound so good, Grey." I cut him off. He chuckled softly. "But with the bad comes the good. You will have the world at your finger tips. Reynolds are extremely connected. Anything you want is yours, and I mean anything. You will have opportunities no one will ever come close to in their life and you will be able to provide opportunities to people. And at the end of the day, you have an army backing you. My grandma might not have been found of our marriage but now that we are married my family is your family. We will do anything for the people we love. You and your family will be taken care of for the rest of your life. And that is a promise." I smiled at his loving gaze towards me. "I don't know if I'm ready." I said, honestly. He placed a soft kiss on my lips. "I know it's easier said than done but you can leave all of that behind at any point. It doesn't define you and you have an enormous family who will do nothing but support you and love you now. You will never have to experience anything even remotely like that ever again." He kissed my head softly and I couldn't help but smile.

The rest of our night unsurprisingly was filled with many many love making sessions and plenty of stupid conversation. All of my fears of marriage were erased. Nothing between us had changed and we were the same as before.

I woke up before Greyson, which was a rarity. He was sleeping so peacefully, with a slight grin on his face. I turned on the shower and stripped off the little clothes I had on.

I felt different as I looked at myself in the mirror. I felt whole for once in my life. I'd told myself for so long that marriage and family didn't matter that much but now that I have all of it I never wanted it to end.

Sorry for the short chapter, just trying to get parts out even if they're smaller. Thank you guys for the support! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Life update: I'm happy for everyone who received a stimulus check! I know many of you are also hurting in this time. Unfortunately I didn't receive a stimulus check and I do not qualify for unemployment in my state due to being an independent contractor/self employed. My car is also broke down 6 states away and i can't afford a new one.....So I am not having a good time 😂

How is everyone doing in quarantine?

calamity. (sequel to Mr. Reynolds) Where stories live. Discover now