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My anxiety was getting the best of me as we got closer and closer. And soon we were pulling into the driveway that was lined with reporters and people. Grey squeezed my thigh, smirking over at me. "Are you ready to experience the Reynolds life?" "As I'll ever be." He chuckled and parked the car. He put on a stern face before stepping out of the car. He handed the keys to the valet and I could already hear the millions of questions being asked. Grey came to my door and opened it, putting his hand out. I gracefully accepted and slid out. "You're so gorgeous. All eyes are on you, baby." He leaned down and kissed me softly. "Okay, let's do this." I swallowed my nerves and straightened my posture. Greyson's fingers laced in mine and he closed the car door behind me. I looked to Grey and he smiled down at me. "You've got this Angel. We've got this." He kissed my head and smiled. I held my head high as Greyson guided us up the grand staircase. Reporters shouted questions, cameras flashed, people starred. But it was only us. His thumb soothingly rubbed the back of my hand as I concentrated hard on not tripping over my own feet and dress. We got to the top of the grand staircase and Greyson finally answered a question before we went in. "Is it true that you and Mrs. Davidson got married in Hawaii?" "It's Mrs.Reynolds now." He simply said and we continued inside. I let out a breath I was holding in and needed to stop for a moment. "Oh my god. How do you do that? My anxiety is through the fucking roof." He smiled. "You really do get used to it. Everything's fine baby."

I don't know if I felt flattered or like the oddball. Obviously I've been to events and parties with Grey before but this ones different. People gave me side eyes, women rolled their eyes and pointed, men glared and it wasn't a good feeling to have all eyes on you. Of course Grey didn't even notice, used to all of the attention. But with the incident from this morning still on my mind all of this made my stress levels sky rocket.

"Wow is an understatement." Houston said, her jaw dropping. I smiled and hugged her tightly. "Me? Look at you! You're literally perfect." I said in awe of her. She wore a skin tight red sparkle dress with silver accessories, it looked amazing on her. "Oh hush. If you weren't married to my brother now I might have had to shoot my shot with the way you're looking." She winked and I laughed, my worries temporarily floating away. "Don't tempt me now, that's not nice." She laughed, handing me a drink. "How are you doing with all this? The amount of paparazzi that was outside is insane. Our holiday parties are usually pretty publicized but that was next level." I smiled softly. "It's...different. All of it is." I said and she gave me a sympathetic smile, rubbing my shoulder. "I know Greyson probably told you that you'll get used to it with time, and that's true. But take it from Taylor, it'll take a long while before you accept it as your new normal. And I'm no where near as high profile as Greyson is these days." I nodded. My response was cut off when I felt a hand on my shoulder and Emerald and Gavin were beside us. "Juliet! My dear, you look absolutely beautiful!" She said hugging me and giving me a kiss in the cheek. "Thank you, you look lovely as well, Emerald!" She smiled brightly. "Why has my son left you all alone?" Gavin asked, looking around for him. I glanced around too, not seeing Greyson anywhere. "Who knows where he's run off too" I laughed it off, but it made me nervous. Gavin also looked quite uneased by it, continuing to glance around but Emerald and Houston didn't pick up on it and laughed it off as well. "Houston dear, I have someone for you to meet!" Emerald said, whisking her away, leaving Gavin and I. He stepped a little closer to me and took a sip of his drink. "I heard about what happened this morning." He said gently. I looked at him kinda shocked, I didn't realize any of Greyson's family knew about his other activities. "I love my son Juliet, and he's been in some rough situations. Someone's had to bail him out when he was younger." He joked. I smiled briefly. "Are you okay?" He asked, sounding concerned. I nodded. "I'm fine." I paused and he gave me a stern look. "I was just beginning to get comfortable with it being our home and feeling safe in it. I worry about him." I said looking down. "I've told Greyson he needs to be very careful about his surroundings since you know who has vanished. And I hope he handles this situation better than the last." He's obviously referring to Damien and I immediately feel guilty for telling Greyson he should do it even though I know his mind was made up with or without my support. "I understand why he did it. I just wish he was more level headed in those situations, his emotions tend to take control. But that's all taken care of now. Soon all of it will be, with him gone his minions will soon disperse as well." He assured me. I nodded. "I hope so." He gave me a smile. "Trust me when I say this, nothings ever going to happen to you. He knows how to handle himself well. He did learn from the best after all." Gavin shot me a wink and I laughed lightly. Greyson popped into view and made his way over to us. "Finally! Where have you been? To leave your wife alone at a party is never a good look, son." Greyson looked down at me and I could tell by his look he was unhappy. "I had a phone call to take." He said simply. Gavin knew what that meant too and raised his eyebrows. Greyson kissed my head lightly and laced his fingers in mine, taking a large gulp of his drink. "I see. It's being handled?" He asked plainly and Greyson nodded, a dark smirk tugging on his lips. "It's being handled alright."
I didn't proof read this because I did it again and haven't updated in like a month. So I apologize if there's any mistakes. But I'm starting the next chapter now so it should be up in a few days!!
Thank you all of the support and kind words on my last update. I'm taking things day by day and just hoping this rut doesn't last long. ❤️❤️

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