Fire Burns

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 Ryan pulls out his shirts and pants from the dresser and stuffs them into a box labelled 'clothes'. He looked around the now lifeless and empty room, his dog laid on his bed watching him pack everything up quickly. Ryan didn't remember why but he felt like he needed to leave, he needed to move and get away from this house as fast as possible; in fact he couldn't remember how long he had lived here for, he doesn't know much.

He puts the final boxes into his tiny car and grabs his puppy before leaving. He stood at the end of the driveway staring at the house like it was alive and breathing. He felt an odd connection to it but he felt like the house was tearing him apart for living inside. He placed his dog in the passenger side and sat down at the wheel, he banged his head against the steering wheel lightly so he wouldn't honk the horn. His puppy curled up on the seat and whined softly, Ryan petted his head and sighed deeply. He wasn't sure where to go but he thought going to find an apartment as quick as possible was the best action, as he doesn't know how or why but the house was already up for sale and bought. He gripped the wheel hard before taking off onto the roads.

 Luke waved bye to Ryan, but of course he wasn't heard or seen. He stared at his hands, red again like the devil himself. He wanted to cry but his body was now void of emotions and feelings, he had just learned what they were and now they're gone. Though he had no emotion he felt lonely and heartbroken, watching Ryan leave felt like he was losing himself. 

It had been awhile since Ryan left, to be exact it had been 3 years, and owners came and went after Luke scared them half to death every time. He got bored of never talking to someone without them leaving, or only communicating through scary gestures and shocking things like breaking vases and opening cabinet doors all the time. He always heard the echo of the devil's laughter in the back of his mind, those haunting words that made Luke fear for his heart.

"Ryan is to never see you again, no spell or chant on this earth can make him see your demon form and, Ryan is to never step foot inside this house again."

Luke wanted to set the house on fire, but the new owner was coming, and if this house was destroyed so would his life on earth. He waited for the new person to enter the house and tried to scare the person but instead he was greeted with a man carrying a book of spells and a familiar board. 

Luke floated around the man as he placed stuff down, slowly ripping the carpet up and laughing at the pentagram under it, Luke felt something run through his mind when he saw that very same pentagram that caused him so much pain. The man sat in the middle and pulled out his Ouija board and closed his eyes, saying some stupid chant they do in the movies, these boards are fake but Luke took this as a chance to talk.

"Oh spirit that haunts this house, please talk to me." He said, his voice had a southern accent which Luke loved. Luke moved the planchette over to 'yes'. The man smiled and kept his hands on it and asked more questions and more, Luke answering them all loving the communication.

"So ghost, what's it like having so much power?" Luke stopped to think, he stared at the ginger-bearded man and smiled wickedly as an idea popped into his head.

 Ryan smiled as he sipped his drink while sitting on the nice plush couch, with his dog on his lap happily snoring away. Ryan felt lost but he hid it well, he felt like he left himself behind at that house; though he can't remember what it was or anything about what went down in the house. It was all a big blur. He was having dreams about demons and the devil, things you'd only hear or see in movies and books, they weren't scary but oddly comforting to him, like this was what was happening in that house, but that wasn't possible. Right?

He sipped his drink but spat it out when he choked on air, his dog jumped off his lap and looked at him confused. Ryan coughed a few more times wiping the water out of his eyes and laughing it off. he was about to call his dog back up onto his lap when a knock at the door was heard. Ryan sighed heavily and got up to open the door.

"Hello?" Ryan asked as he swung the door open, he was greeted with someone he's never seen or met before. A very tall male with a big ginger beard and hair, with a fancy pair of sunglasses on too.

"Hello." He spoke, it was a southern accent, Ryan's ears perked up as he shuffled back a little.

"Do I know you?" Ryan asked taking his hand off of the door and dropping it to his side, the male shook his head and gave his hand out for a handshake, which Ryan happily returned, he felt something spark in him when their hands touched.

"Well that's a lie, you do know me, and I know you. Ryan." Ryan stepped back a little more, confused at the sudden change in his voice and the fact this random person knew his name. His dog Tiny came running up to the door and started happily jumping up at the stranger's legs. Ryan looked at him confused.

"Remind me then, how?" Ryan said trying to quietly call his dog back inside so he can shut the door on this weirdo. 

"You know my real name but you can just call me Luke, Luke Wyrmwood." Ryan felt something inside his memory come back, suddenly he knew what happened in that house, he looked up at the male who was suppose to be a red demon with black hair, but now looked like a normal human. Ryan reached out and touched Luke's arm to make sure he was physical.

"Oh-" Ryan said as their skin touched, Ryan looked back up at Luke who tilted his sunglasses down to reveal his yellow demon eyes, the same ones he fell in love with. Ryan was about to say something but then Luke picked him up in his strong arms and took the smaller male into his new home and shut the door behind him, Tiny following behind them as Luke shoved Ryan onto the couch and hovered above him.

"I tricked a stupid medium into giving him my demon body, so now I get to be physical, here with you." Ryan's face turned red really fast and he smiled softly, Luke chuckled before bending further down, their faces really close together.

"I like the ne-new look." Ryan stuttered, obviously flustered. Luke laughed and bent down more to place a firm kiss on Ryan's lips. Something he craved ever since the first time, Ryan hungrily reciprocated the kiss and pulled him down to straddle him. Luke groaned, he had never felt this swelling warmth in his gut before, it was new and welcoming. Ryan placed kisses all over his face and neck, which Luke let him abuse his new human body. 

Ryan woke up in his bed, he shot up and looked around in the dark, he couldn't see anything so he quickly turned the lamp on, he was praying it wasn't just another weird dream and it was real, this love he felt for some demon was really happening. He noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt or pants but he quickly turned his interest to the warm body beside him, he noticed all the right features, he sighed happily kissing the bare shoulder of the other male he loved. Ryan rubbed his neck as it was slightly bothering him, but when he did he hissed in pain. He got up slowly to head to the washroom.

He stared in the mirror and noticed he had burn marks all over his neck and chest, trailing down to his boxers. Ryan turned around slightly and saw the claw marks all over his shoulders and back, looked like a giant wild cat attacked him, plus more burn marks. Ryan chuckled a little when he saw Luke standing in the door way.

"Fiery passionate sex tends to get a little too hot." He chuckled, Ryan rolled his eyes and hugged Luke, who was naked but he didn't really care about that.

"I love you." Ryan said kissing his cheek.

"I love you too." Luke said moving his head so they shared a sweet quick kiss.

Ryan tugged the man back to the bed and sat on top of him, bending over to pace more kisses. His body was already fired up and ready for more.

"I can get used to this." Luke said in a relaxing tone, Ryan hummed in agreement.

"I can't wait to get used to it." Ryan said quickly before slowly retreating downwards on Luke's bare body.

"Me too." Luke said with his eyes closed and mind in pure bliss. He couldn't even think of a better way to live the rest of his life as a mortal. But if he could, it would never compare to Ryan.

Ryan, that short brunette was his sin, the reason he'd end up in hell.


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