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 Ryan woke up shivering, the light blankets he had on didn't stop the cold winds from outside coming through his open windows, which he swore he closed. His bedroom door was open which he knew he closed, Ryan stood up and stretched his body, his head hurt all his mucles were sore all of a sudden.

He groaned in pain and shuffled into his washroom, he stared at himself in the mirror and stepped back, his eyes red and some snot coming from his nose, Ryan frowned at himself and started coughing.

"f-fuck this I'm sick already?"

Ryan's eyes had tears in them, his voice so rough and raspy it hurt to speak and swallow. He shook his head and made his way to get some orange juice and make some soup.

Ryan sat on his counter, blinking constantly the sun in his eyes hurt, he shut the blinds before pouring soup into a pot and turned the stove on and waited for it to warm up so he could eat it. Ryan heard footsteps upstairs, thinking it could just be the friendly cat he has taken in he ignored it. 

Ryan ate the soup on his new couch and watched a video on his phone, he yawned not even knowing what time it is since all the blinds are closed, he checked his phone and it's only 1 pm, Ryan doesn't even know what time he woke up at.

Ryan cuddled with his blanket on the sofa and contiuned to snack on chips and other snack foods while watching movies and videos on his phone, drinking so much water trying to get healthy so he can finish moving into his house.

But day after day, hour after hour ryan just gets sicker and sicker. His muscles ache for health and purity but he can barely even move from his bed, occasionally the cat would walk into his room and cuddle with him while he struggeled to get up to eat something. Starving and lacking vitamins Ryan was stuck in his bed covered in plague.

Ryan was sure he was going to die or throw up from the lack of food in his system, but right before he decided which it was the cat had a plastic bagged tied around one foot, as it dragged its leg through the room and up onto the bed with it. Ryan smiled at the smell of food and took the bag off the cats leg who purred in response.

Ryan opened the bag to see a plastic container with cooked eggs inside, and some waffles. Ryan was a little curios on how this happened to get to him but ate it happily without question.

Ryan continued to get the cat to bring him bags full of food, most of it was food he has previously bought, like things he would make. Ryan started to feel better, his legs wanted to get out of bed and his mind wanted to finally make food and not get it dragged in by a cat.

Ryan stepped on the final stair and sighedof happiness when he was actually downstairs, but then he heard a noise from his kitchen, sure that the cat was upstairs he slowly shuffled his way to his kitchen to see every drawer open, pots and pans lying around dirty and food sitting out of the fridge. Ryan ran over and started to put things back into the fridge hoping they didn't go bad. He shoved all the dirty dishes in the sink and opened the blinds to see sunlight beaming through.

Ryan smiled when he heard the cat come down the stiars, so he turned around and watched as it walked over to him then slip it's way into the basement. Ryan got goosebumps and decided to leave the basement door open so the cat could come back up.

"Kitty, Kitty!? please come back..."

Ryan sighed and put a cat treat by the door and left to go grab the dishes from his room, when he came back downstairs a black dog was lying on the floor, right outside the sliding door basking in the sun coming through the clear doors.

Ryan nearly dropped his plates and cups but put them down on the counted and grabbing the broom.

"Scram! a cat lives here!"

Ryan hit the floor with the broom waking the dog up, which with the blinks of his eyes turned into a very scared cat. Ryan dropped the broom and went to hug the cat, who walked away from him quickly.


Ryan looked back at the cat who was now laying by the other windows. Ryan sneezed and covered his mouth, he ran over to the tissue box and blew his nose, still not satisfied with how much more he could breath he blew his nose harder, and blood came out.

Ryan held a tissue to his nose annoyed but the blood wouldn't stop. Ryan started to get concerned and ran into the washroom to check himself out being scared by his own sickly terrifying reflection he rinsed his face off with water to see no blood coming from his nose, checking the tissues he used to see no blood what so ever.

Ryan slowly went back to the kitchen and filled the sink with water, ready to do the dishes. The sink filled with thick red liquid, Ryan screamed and stopped the water, or liquid by turning the faucet off, and scarambled to the living room to call someone, like a plumber, or the police?

Ryan sat on the couch googling plumber numbers, but before he called he checked the sink again, the water was soapy and clear just like regular water. Ryan felt a cold shiver down his spine and heard the echoes of a deep laughter.

Ryan did the dishes quickly and ran back to his room, his legs were sore and everything hurt, his head starting to ache from being sick, so he decided to lay back down and wait another time to make food. The cat jumped onto the bed which scared Ryan he began to yell again.

Ryan whimpered and forced himself not to cry at all that was happening and blamed it on being sick and tired, Ryan laid there watching the cat happily sleep.

Unlikely Roommate {OhmToonz}Where stories live. Discover now