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 Ryan's head shot up, he looked around and his house was empty and dark, he stood up and brushed off his pants. He smiled as he heard nothing; no demons trying to killhim or his dog- his dog! Ryan ran around the house calling for Tiny, he filled up the food dish and water dish, his heart melted with joy when he saw his puppy run into the kitchen quickly, his tail wagging and jumping up Ryan. He picked up Tiny and held the dog close, he was really skinny, just skin and bones. He kissed the head of his dog and placed him down, he instantly started eating. Ryan felt a little upset, how long were they gone? Ryan jumped when he head a noise come from upstairs.

"Luke?" Ryan called out, he walked up stairs and saw the demon laying in his bed, he smiled softly before turning on the lights and flicking them on and off so Luke would wake up.

"Luke, get up! We're going out to celebrate our love and our- Luke are you even listening to me!?" Ryan frowned and walked over to his demon, his skin was no longer red, but fading to grey. Ryan freaked out and jumped ontop of the bed and started to shake Luke to wake him up. Nothing was working, Luke wasn't waking up or breathing, sure he didn't breathe before but Ryan had no way of telling if he was still alive now.

"LUKE!? PLEASE ANSWER ME!" Ryan felt upset, his gut twisted he kenw Luke said something about not being able to come back but he thought it was a joke, or something. Ryan felt anger; he pulled his hand back and slapped Luke, the noise echoed around the room and Ryan hissed, it seemed to hurt him more.

"Wait what.." Ryan held his hand as it stung, but he poked Luke's body and he actualyl tocuhed Luke's body, he knew something was very wrong now, he backed away from the bed and left his room, he passed by Tiny still eating and rushed into the basement, most of Luke's things wee gone, he grabbed the book he hid in the basement after using it to invite countless demons into his home, he was going to promise to never use it again. But now was different. He raced upstairs and brought everything needed, this time candles included. He ripped the carpet off the ground and placed everything in order he left the book on the floor and raced upstairs, he looked at Luke and how tall he was, and how built his demon muscles were and sighed heavily.

"I'm sorry Luke, this might hurt later." Ryan said as he pulled Luke out of the bed by his feet, Luke hit the floor with a thud and Ryan flinched scared he would be mad, but no reaction happened and his heart sunk, he dragged Luke's lifeless corpse down the hall then stopped at the top of the stairs, he sighed heavily.

"I'm really fucking sorry." Ryan whispered as he pulled Luke down the stairs, it wasn't very glamorus eahc step made his head bounch and make a thud noise, Ryan knew this was probably the worst pain ever, eahc step corner digging into your skin as you continuosly fall down the stairs. When Luke reached the bottom he dragged his body into the middle of the pentagram, Ryan stood up and wiped the sweat off of his forhead. Luke by no means was light. Ryan flipped through the pages, sometimes glancing up to see if maybe now Luke started to move or do anything to indicate he was alive and fine, Ryan frowned everytime nothing happened.

Ryan stopped flipping, he landed on a page littered wth warnings not to trust or use this spell, he ignored them and began to speak the words of summon. The room flashed red white then black before staying a red hue, Ryan looked around a little scared the flames on the candles flickered and went out, Ryan was going to light them again but they lit back up with an even bigger flame. Ryan fell back scared of the fire that grew on each candle slowly, soon the pentagram ont he floor caught on fire and Ryan hopped out of it and tried to drag Luke's body away from the fire but he burnt his hand and couldn't grab his demon. Ryan looked around when he heard a deep chuckle.

"H-Hello?" Ryan said, his eyes flcikered around the room quickly, scared that if he didn't find who was laughing he would die. His eyes started to water as the smoke was burning them, he coughed a little and stared at yellow glowing eyes that stood before him, he backed up wuikcly and fell over onto his ass and didn't dare blink, he watched as a firey body formed around the yellow eyes, it was still hard to see but he knew some demon was here.

"You want him back? I can bring him back, but I need something in return." His eyes turned silver blue, Ryan looked nervously at the dead body of his love and his demon, he stared back at the eyes who stared deep into his soul. Ryan stood up.

"What do you want?" He asked, his heart was heavy and he could tell something bad was going to happen.

"You know what I want Ryan." Ryan stuck out his hand for a handshake, the firey figure laughed and the whole house shook, the fire raged on as it grew bigger and started to engul him and his whole house, The figure's hand was set on fire as it reached over to Ryans.

"As long as he'll be fine, I'll be fine." Ryan said confidently.

"Not so sure about that one, but a deals a deal." The voice boomed, Ryan wasn't scared anymore, their hands connected and Ryan held back the screams of pain while his hand was on fire and started to sizzle and burn.

"A deals a deal." Ryan repeated through his gritted teeth.

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