Deal With A Devil

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 Ryan opens his eyes, nothing looked damaged, everything looked as though he just moved a year ago. He looked around the house but saw no demon nothing, not a single soul in his house. He went into the kitchen to make some food because his stomach was about to eat itself, he wanted to cry but he couldn't, it was like he lost his feelings of blue and sadness. He entered his kitchen and almost had a heart attack when he saw a figure already in there.

"Ryan? I'm so glad you're awake, you were sleeping on the floor? I wasn't sure why but I left you there since you seemed fast asleep." Luke said walking over after putting the pan down on the stove top and hugging the shorter male, Ryan's heart grew at the fact Luke could hug him. 

"Luke? You're alive?" Ryan asked, rubbing his hands on Luke's back frantically, feeling him as much as he could.

"Yeah?" Luke said, pulling Ryan's arms off of him with some force since the brunette refused to let go of his demon. Luke turned away and went back to cooking.

"You're physical, what is happening?" Luke turned around and stared at Ryan, He stared back confused, he sat down on a chair and rested his head on the wooden table and sighed heavily. Luke sighed as well and turned the stove off and dragged the other chair beside Ryan and sat on it, he started to rub circles on Ryan's back soothing him.

"Ryan, you don't remember anything? You don't remember what you did?" Ryan's head shot up from the table and his brows furrowed as he stared into Luke's eyes. 

"What. Did. I. Do." Ryan looked serious, but he didn't feel serious, he didn't feel anything.

"Ryan, I don't think you're ready to hear that, let's just get back to the norm, hanging out and nothing bad happening, let's just pretend none of it happened." Luke said holding his hand tightly, Ryan loved the feeling of their hands connected but sighed heavily. Luke eventually let go and went back to cooking food for the both of them. 

"Where are your wings?" Ryan said as he scanned the back of his demon, Ryan found it strange Luke wasn't very red either but more peachy. Ryan looked at his own hands and noticed he was very pale, too pale. Luke ignored his question and kept cooking, soon placing a plate of food down in front of Ryan, it was stir fry, one of his favorite meals. Ryan poked at it with his fork finding it hard to eat now though he was starving when he woke up. He glanced up at his demon and noticed he had no horns either, he looked more like a human.

"Luke what's... what's going on?" Ryan said pushing the plate away from himself, Luke sighed and put his fork down, his plate was near empty which was strange since he never ate before.

"Ryan, you gave me your soul." Ryan fell out of his seat onto the floor, but it didn't hurt. Luke reached down and helped him back up, Ryan wanted to cry he wanted liquid to pour from his eyes but nothing was happening, he wanted to punch Luke and feel upset but he couldn't.

"WHY WOULD YOU LET ME?" Luke was taken back by the shout Ryan let out, He frowned and tried to hold Ryan's hand but he slapped Luke and frowned.

"I had no control, I was dead. Like dead for real I had no more powers I was going to fade away but you thought you could save me by making a deal with Satan, you did but it's always costly Ryan... Don't you know why movies and shows always tell you to not make deals with the devil?" Ryan started to punch and slap Luke, He started making noises as if he was sobbing, but he wasn't and he didn't feel sad, he just felt as though this is what should be happening.  

"Can- Can I get it back?" Ryan asked, holding tightly onto Luke, who was comforting him.

"Not unless you want me to be dead." Ryan started thinking, what was better? His life or Luke... why should Luke live when he did nothing for the past thousands of years, there was no good coming from Ryan dying- what about his mother, Ryan realized he made a big mistake and pulled out of the comforting hug and stood up, he backed away slowly and raced to the pentagram and found the book on the floor, he lit the candles quickly with the lighter nearby and sat in the middle. He flipped the pages quickly to find the one he used early until he was body checked across the room, the book was torn out of his hands.

"L-Luke!?" Ryan felt a heavy weight on top of him, he shoved it off of him and saw Luke blowing the candles out frantically with the book in his hands. Ryan looked at him confused and tried to take the book back but Luke held it above his head.

"Luke what the fuck!? Give it back!!" Ryan wanted to feel angry but right now he was focused on getting his soul back, Luke smacked him and Ryan fell to the floor with a slight sting in his cheek. He looked up at the demon confused.

"You think I'm going to let you get your soul back? I've been waiting years and years and YEARS for someone to give a soul to me, I'm not a very important demon so souls don't fall close by so easily, but a soul- like yours given to me, is the best thing! I can finally finish living life as a human." Ryan felt empty.

"So you used me?" Ryan said standing up making a fist with his hands and digging his own nails deep into his palm flesh. 

"Used is a bad word, I'd say.... convinced you." Luke said smiling, taking the lighter and burning the book in front of both of their faces, Ryan watched his world slowly burn up.

"Why..." Ryan said quietly as he fell to his knees and tried to pick up the ashes.

"I missed being a human, it was stolen from me..." Luke said stomping on the ashes and rubbing them into the floor, Ryan hissed and clawed at his foot which caused Luke to scream in pain, Ryan didn't notice his nails were claws. 

"SO YOU GET TO STEAL IT FROM ME?" Ryan said digging his nails deeper into Luke's foot making pale blood drip onto the floor.

"You. Gave. It. To. Me." Luke said as he kicked Ryan in the face making him let go, Luke then walked off to go finish his food. Ryan sat there, shocked, his heart would been broken if he could feel it.

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