One-Way Mirror

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 Ryan stepped into his house, a shiver ran down his spine as he closed the front door behind him, it felt unusually cold in his house. He dropped the box and book on the couch, he forced himself to smile at the haunting painting on the floor. He sat cross legged on the ground and flipped through the book he bought.

He found one of the spells the lady was telling him about, left the book open on that page and followed the instructions. Ryan opened the box and placed things like candles around the bloody circle and lit them all up, he closed the curtains and shut the lights off. 

Ryan whipped his head around when he heard the faint noise of paws padding on the floor and a tiny mewing noise, Ryan stared at the cat and followed it as it stepped into the center of the circle and hissed. Ryan picked up a broom and whacked the cat, it scampered out and knocked candles down. 

"AH!" Ryan ran and put the candles out before they lit his houe on fire, his brows furrowed when he saw the cat licking it's paw on the couch, Ryan stood the candles back up and lit them again, then pulling out a bag of salt and re-drawing the circle with it. 

He sat criss cross apple sauce in the middle of the inner circle, he smiled for real when he traced the wordings on the paper with his fingers, he pulled the book into his lap and cleared his throat before reading off of the page.

The words spewing out of Ryan's mouth were nothing close to english, no language he's ever heard or seen before but somehow he was so sure he was pronouncing everything right. By the end of the line he looked around the room, the candles went out and the lights in the house turned on. Ryan stood up letting the book fall and hit the floor, the cat was no longer on the couch but nothing else was happening.

"What a fucking rip off!" He stomped his foot and tried to leave the circle but something wasn't letting him, he picked up the book and rolled his eyes 'to break the spell read this outloud no pauses.' He was about to say the first word when his eyes stung, Ryan rubbed his eyes with his hands dropping the book as the stinging got more and more violent.

"What the Fuck!?" Ryan couldn't see anything anymore, he rubbed his eyes until liquid flowed down his cheeks, he touched the tears and wiped them off his face, but when he checked his arm it was covered in blood.

"wha?" Ryan slowly used his finger to touch his eye, when he pulled his finger back it was dripping in blood, he looked down at the floor and saw little drops of blood sitting on the hardwood. He turned around when he heard a noise behind him.

Ryan saw a demon. No a devil. No a demon? Ryan wasn't sure what was going on but he had dark red skin and nicely styled black hair and a beard, he seemed tall but he was also floating off the ground, his horns were tall and thick and his devil or demon tail twirled around the room.

Ryan thought he looked more like a demon, so thats what he was going to call him, he was going to scream the pain in his eyes hurt so much but he was take back by what he heard.

"He's gonna scream so much, this is gonna scare him so bad ain't it cutie pie." The demon said as it started to pet the cat who was sitting on the living room table, Ryan cocked his head sideways, was a demon baby talking a cat? The cat purred and mewed back at the demon who smiled.

"You've done such a good job so far princess, who's a cute little thing?" The cat purred as the demon picked him up off the table into his arms and floated around the room. 

"Okay okay, enough cuddles time to scare this man to death." The demon put the cat down on the couch and floated into the kitchen, Ryan had to follow him but the circle wouldn't let him, Ryan picked up the book despite the pain in his eyes and blood all over the paper, he looked around the pages and noticed a tiny box, he read it over and over again his eyes not working properly anymore.

"To leave the circle and keep the curse recite the following verse, what a way to rhyme." Ryan wiped his eyes and recited the line, the candles around the circle lit up again and the cat hissed before running into the kitchen, He followed and watched as the demon was messing with his cabinets and kitchen faucet, making them open and close turn off and on over and over, Ryan never noticed but the demon worse grey sweatpants and no shirt.

"I thought he came home where'd he go princess?" Ryan looked at the cat who kept hissing, he crossed his arms and snapped his fingers, all the doors in the kitchen opened with a loud bang, Ryan covered his ears.

"Maybe that will make him come downstairs, I'm trying to get him out of the house not hide here!" The demon floated over to the kitchen table and sat in one of the chairs, he looked down at his cat and it hissed again, it swatted at Ryan's let.

"Fuck you little bitch!" Ryan shouted as he held his shin, the cat's claws drawing blood, the demon looked in Ryan's direction but didn't focus on him. Ryan wiped his eyes again and turned around staring at the trail of blood his eyes have been leaving. Ryan wished it would stop.

"What the fuck is that!?" Ryan watched as the demon floated into the living room and picked up the book Ryan used, the demon's face went to shock, he looked around the room but couldn't find what he was searching for.

"Don't tell me he got smart!" the demon said before dropping the book and floating upstairs, Ryan walked over the couch and sat down, his eyes stopped stinging and blood stopped pouring out from them, he looked at the cat the demon calls 'princess' and frowned, he picked the cat up by the skin on it's neck and threw it out the front door.

"It's not animal abuse if it's a demon." Ryan said to himself as he locked the cat out of the house. Ryan wasn't sure if he should reveal himself or that he could see the demon just yet, but he'll have to wait and see when his mental state allows him to.

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