Chapter 55

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"Hey wake up! You guys it's time to go!" I hear voices say. I open my eyes and Will is now spooning me instead of on top of me. I see Steph shaking my arm like crazy and sit up, startled. "Did you guys really fall asleep?!" She asks. I rub my eyes and nod. "It's almost 3 in the morning. Parties over." "Did everyone leave?" I say. Steph nods, "Now we have to too." I feel Will stir in his sleep beside me. "Babe, time to wake up." I move his hair out of his face and he looks at me. I wobble off the couch and he grabs my arm. "Wait for me." He gets up and puts his shirt on. 

I watch his every move. From the way he puts it over his head, to the way he takes the time to do up every button. Then he looks at me and I get up and feel the alcohol going straight to my head. I wince and Will picks me up bridal style. "You don't have to." I mutter. He looks at me and narrows his eyes, as if to say he'd never leave me to walk like this. I shiver into him and let his body heat take over me.

We meet Mitch and Steph in the car and drive home. I lazily toss my shoes to the side, which I look back and see Will place them neatly on the rack, and head straight to my room. "Good night guys!" I say and stand at my door waiting for Will to come before I close it. "Good night." Steph says as she heads into Mitch's room. I watch Mitch and Will taking their coats off at the door, taking their sweet time and joking around. I roll my eyes and get ready for bed.

I take my dress off and hang it up neatly on it's hanger. I tie my hair into a low bun and change into a new sports bra and panties. I get into the sheets and roll on my side. Then I hear the door creak opened and Will walks in. "What took you so long?!" I grunt. "I'm here now babe." He takes off his shirt and changes into new sweat pants. He gets in bed with me and wraps his arms around my middle. "How are you not cold? All your wearing is underwear!" "Maybe I want you to warm me up." I mumble. He chuckles and nibbles on my ear lobe, "Now that I can do." I giggle and snuggle up to him. I trace the out lines of his muscular chest, that I can tell he's trying to hard to flex, before falling asleep. 

I wake up to the sound of moaning, not coming from Will or me. I gasp as I realize who it is and cover my mouth the keep from laughing. Will faces me and smiles, "Good morn- do you hear that?" He says and looks at the door. I giggle, "Yup...I think their having a bit to much fun." He laughs and feels my forehead. "Do you still know..." I shake my head, "Nope I'm fine now." He looks sad and happy at the same time. "I'm gonna miss horny Sage." "Pfft I'm not...she thinks some crazy shit." He blushes and now I do to. "We can still you the dirty as you called it." He smirks.I rub his chest, leaving him shivered, and get out of bed, "Maybe." 

He rolls his eyes but watches me get dressed. Then he comes up behind me and rubs my ass out of no where. "You have the most adorable bum." He playfully smacks me and I laugh, " I think you do." Will does have a nice butt. His is better than most of the girls on my team. He shakes his head, "Nu uh..." I squeeze his ass and he lets out an extremely high pitch squeal. I die from laughter and finish getting dressed. 

The moaning kind of dyed down a bit but I can't tell if it stopped. "I don't wanna go out there babe." I say and sit back on the bed. "Then don't. We can stay here." I shake my head, "I just don't want them doing...things." He grins at me and sits beside me. I rest my head on his toned shoulder and close my eyes. He places a hand on my thigh and rubs it up and down, over and over. "Babe." I mutter. Will kisses my cheek. "Do you know when I can join you guys? Like play with the NHL...?" I smirk as the words roll off my tongue. He pulls me closer to his chest and chuckles.

"No but ask Mitch maybe he'll know." I squeal as he gives me a passionate kiss on the lips and laugh. "Ahh..I love you." He smiles, "I love you more babe." "Hey I think stopped." I say and drag him outside. We investigate the living room and decide to chill there since there's no sign of Mitch and Steph yet. "Phew." I sigh of relief and make some sandwiches for everyone. 

Then Mitch and Steph come out of their room and wobble on over to the kitchen. I stare at them, "You guys. I was the one on viagra." Steph bursts out laughing and Mitch stares at me wide-eyed, "Wait what?" I shrug, "I got drugged by the bartender." "And you didn't tell me." "I didn't want everyone to know. And besides I contained myself well." He nods, "Yea I know you would, I'm more concerned about Will." Now it's my turn to laugh hysterically. 

"What's so funny?" Will walks into the kitchen. I playfully smack his chest, "Oh nothing...Mitch just was saying your a horny ass." Will gasps dramatically, "Not true! We weren't the ones that just banged!" Mitch and Steph look at each other and back at us. "You heard nothing." Steph whispers and heads to sit in the living room. 

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