Chapter 29

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Will and Steph ended up staying over again...they practically live here now since it's just more convenient for us to get together and go places. The first thing I do when I wake up is carefully get out of Will's grip and reach over him to grab my laptop. (Yes we sleep together every night) I check my email to see if coach Benny responded and he did...he says to swing by the arena at noon to discuss 'my farther training and team options'. I respond back telling him I'll be there and put my laptop beside my bed.

Will stirs in his sleep.I massage his head to try and make him sleep more but he just ends up waking up. "Morning baby..." He yawns. I kiss his lips and he kisses back. "Morning...I got an email from Benny." I whisper. "Cool," Will stretches. "He says to meet at noon." I say about to get up. "Noooo, please stay..." Willy grips my torso and pulls me into him. How could I resist? I french kiss him and we make out for a while. He places his hands on my butt and slides my pajama shorts off. "Babe..." I gasp for air. "To far?" He asks. I shrug, "A little...Let's get up for the day." He nods and goes to the bathroom to freshen up. I change out of my pajamas and throw on some leggings and a hoodie. I walk into the bathroom and Will is there taking a shower. "What are you doing in here?" He asks and turns away from me. I roll my eyes, "You really need to learn to lock the door." He shrugs and continues to shower. I do my morning routine, not bothering to put any makeup on since I don't have any. I quietly sigh and head to the living room.

Mitch and Steph are already up cooking food. "Morning y'all." I say and take a seat on a bar stool. "Morning!!" They say. "I got an email back from Benny, me and Will are leaving at noon to have a meeting." "Can I come?" Mitch asks. I give him a weird look, "why?" He shrugs, "You only take Will everywhere...and we're your family to..." He gestures to Stephanie as well as himself. I smile, "Of course you can come." He smiles in response. "I'm coming to, there's no way I'm letting you go into this all by your self again." Steph says. I nod, "Thanks guys, really." 

We eat breakfast and a bit of lunch, I only had a smoothie. "Time to go y'all get ready!" I say grabbing my jacket, ready to go to Mitch's car. "Already? It's only 11:30." Mitch groans. "Yeah but I wanna be there on time, we're always late." He shrugs, "True." "I wanna make a good first impression- good second impression." I correct myself. Everyone gets ready and we drive to the arena.

We walk in and find our way to meeting room 228. Benny is sitting there with stacks of paper surrounding him and his laptop out. He sees us walk in. "Hello again Sage, and welcome to the rest of you." Steph waves and Mitch and Will nod. "Please take a seat, we may be here a while." I turn to Will and he frowns. We sit beside each other. "So...I see you've decided to come back and play again." Benny says with a blank expression. "Well I didn't decide to come back...It's kinda my career. I've just taken a break from everyone and I'd thought I'd start fresh after my um...injury." I explain, kinda confused as to if he remembers what the team did to me. But all he does is nod, "I see. We'll have to get you started on a fitness test-" "But I've only been gone a few weeks!" I interrupt. He looks at me with a unimpressed glare. I sigh, "Ok yeah. Fitness test sounds good." "I'm glad you think so Ms. Mckenna." He says, "We can start when ever your ready."  "How bout now?" I say. "Sure, let's go to the training room." Everyone gets up and we follow Benny to the training room.

He takes a clipboard from the front desk on our way, like he already knew I was going to do the test today. Mitch, Will, and Steph have to wait outside the room, but they can see me since it has a huge window. I take my hoodie off so I'm in a sports bra and leggings, more of a workout outfit. I begin to stretch out before we start. Benny goes through the long list of exercises and tells me I have to do about 30 reps of each. All I do is stare at him as I get down on the floor and start off with 30 push ups, then sit ups, then a plank, and about 10 more exercises. By the end I can barely stand up so I lay on the ground huffing and puffing. "You did well Sage...enough to pass, I'll have to report to the league." "The league?" I say, "Is a fitness test really that important." He nods, "Important as any test." He walks out of the room and Mitch, Will, and Steph rush in and help me up. I see stars as i'm lifted off the floor and lean into Will's chest. "That was a lot!" Steph says, "Are you ok?" I nod, "Yeah...I don't know if I passed though." "Why not?" Mitch asks. "He said he has to go 'report it to the league' whatever that means." "I think you passed babe. You finished all of them." Will says. "Thanks..I hope so." I pant. "Let's get outta here." Mitch says and grabs my hoodie off the floor. 

We walk back to the meeting room where Benny is typing away on his laptop. "When will I be able to see my results?" I ask. "Oh it'll just take a few minutes, not the mean time, would any of you like anything to drink? Water or anything...we also have snacks at the front if your interested." "How bout some orange juice?" Mitch asks. I snort in my laugh. "Uhh, sure.." Benny says and calls the front desk for Mitch's orange juice. Steph smacks his arm, "Did you really have to do that?" She says. "What? You know my orange juice obsession!" He says. I burst out laughing and cover my mouth when Benny looks over. "Sir, juice is ready." Benny says, gesturing to the lady holding a glass of it. "Oh why thank you!" Mitch says and takes it from her. Steph rolls her eyes and I smirk the whole time he drinks it. "Uhh Sage." Benny says. I turn to him. "You have passed the test, you will be expected to come in to a team practice in a few days. No exceptions."  I nod, "Thanks Coach- I mean Benny." He smiles, "Glad to have you back Ms. Mckenna." I return the smile and we go back home.

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