Chapter 8

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We jump around and throw our hands up in the air. Soon most of the team joins us and the spouses of the girls come dance with us. I stay close to Stephanie but she also has Mitch who she's dancing with. After a while of blasting rap music, the DJ tones it down and puts on some slow songs. I watch all the spouses go with each other and the girls whisper for me to find William. I shake my head and find a nice spot on the side to watch the beautiful couples dance in sync. I sigh and whisper to myself. "Why the hell would I agree to come to this stupid thing anyway." And just like that as if it was on cue, a certain someone comes up to me and takes the spot beside me. "Humm, I dunno...maybe to get to know me better..." Will chuckles and takes my hand. I just stare at him in shock. "Don't give me that face babe, you know I like you, and I know you like me." I smile and nod, "Yeah..maybe" He playfully rolls his eyes and I giggle. "Wanna dance?" He asks. I smile, "Of course."

We walk hand in hand to the dance floor and go to the side, staying away from everyone. Willy places his hands on my waist and I rest mine on his shoulders. We sway back and forth slowly and I sigh of happiness. "You know this is like a dream right?" I whisper. He gives me a cute confused look. "Just talking to you, let alone dancing with you." He huffs, "Pfft why cause I'm William Nylander?" I shake my head, "No cause your so much more than I thought you were." He smiles and brings me closer to his chest, "Sorry." I wrap my arms around his neck and fiddle with the ends of his hair, "No sweat."

He lovingly looks in to my eyes and I grin, "What?" He shrugs, "It's just you." Now it's my turn to give him a confused look. He chuckles, " Can I steal a kiss?" I blush, "If you really want to." He smiles and pulls me fully against him so that there's absolutely no space between us. He grasps the side of my face ever so gently, knowing I still technically have a concussion. He leans in and so do I, before you know it I'm kissing William nylander.

His lips feel so good against mine. It's like they were meant to be together. He even takes it to the next step and licks my lips for entrance. Which I totally grant. We battle for dominance and I let him win for the sake wanting to see what he can do. He takes his hand off my waist and roams my ass. I moan and take my hand and feel around his hard chest. We're able to get away with this but as soon as Mitch notices it's all over. "Umm...what are you guys doing?"

As soon as we hear his voice, Willy jumps and gets off of me. I gasp for air and balance myself on my feet. I look at Mitch who is standing there with a dead serious look on his face. I look at Will. His face is a hint of red and he's fake scratching the back of his neck, looking at the ground. I furrow my brows together and look back to Mitch. "Mitch what the fuck?! Come on!" He crosses his arms and grunts, "What do you mean come on? You guys aren't even dating and practically all over each other!" I groan, "So what! We can do what ever we want. Since when did you of all people care about me anyway?" He looks shocked and reaches out to touch my arm, "Sage..." I pull away, "No don't Sage me." I mock him. "I'm never free from anything it's like i'm trapped in a bubble of hate and people who just don't understand me... but he seemed to finally get me." I guesture to Will and he gives me a smile. Tears take over my eyes, "And now I can't go near him?" "No, I didn't say that." Mitch says softly. I sniffle and my voice cracks, "Yeah well it sure did seemed like it." I wipe my face and run out of there.

I go outside wanting some company from the stars, and sit on a patio love seat, in front of a big window that showed what was happening inside. I side eye the window and see Mitch and William bro hug. Then Mitch says something to him and Will nods and runs towards my direction. I quickly turn away and stare at the ground. I hear the doors open and William's hot voice. "Hey Sage...can I sit?" He asks. I shiver and nod. He takes a seat beside me and motions for me to lay down on his lap. I nod and place my head on his strong thighs and stretch out my legs. He twirls my hair around his fingers and I half close my eyes. "I'm sorry." He whispers. "For what." I whisper back. He sighs, "Just for kissing you and shit, I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable." I open my eyes and stare at him, "No, don't be sorry! Mitch has to realize that I can like people to and fuck no you didn't make me feel uncomfortable, not one bit." Then I reach up and smash his lips against mine and he moans into me. I sit up and he drags me on to his lap without breaking the kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and he feels my curves up and down, occasionally pressing his fingers to the side of my boob. I moan and he slips his tongue in my mouth, exploring everything. Eventually we part for air and stare into each others eyes. I smile and give him a peck on the lips. "I liked that." Will says in a husky voice, which causes me to shutter. He chuckles. "Can I lye down on you again?" I ask being shy and playing with his fingers. He smiles, "Be my guest babe." I smile and lay down in the same position as before. He lets me play with fingers still and I let him play with my hair again. "I like it when you call me babe." I say. "I would like it if you called me babe to." He says. Then suddenly there's a bang on the window and we look up. Sure enough it's the girls gushing over us, making kissy faces and such. I laugh and turn my body away from them. I think they get the message and leave us alone.

After a few more minutes of just laying on the love seat, Willy clears his throat and I smile at him. "Say." "Mhmm..." I mutter. "Mitch told me I could ask you something if I really wanted to ." "What is it?" I say, lacing our fingers together. "Um..." He hesitates. I look into his eyes, "It's okay, you know you can tell me anything. And you know I won't be upset if you don't." He nods and smiles, "Yeah I know...I just really like you." He blushes. I smile, "Awwwe, I really like you to." He nods, "And that's why I wanted to ask you if you''d wanna go out with me." Tears of joy creep down my cheeks and he's quick to wipe them away. "Yeah of course I would Willy." He chuckles and kisses my cheek and then lips. We stay like this for an hour and we didn't realize it until Mitch came out and told us it was almost time to leave. We nod and I sit up on the couch. The girls all pile their way to me as me and Will say goodbye.

When he leaves they huddle around me and here come the questions. "Okay okay! Before I answer anything....he did ask me out." They all scream and do little dances. I don't think anyone's ever been this happy for me before, not even my parents when I was crowned top player in my league. I dance and laugh with them and when we all calm down, we head inside and say our goodbyes until next time.

Flawed | William Nylander (completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ