Chapter 44

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"I can't believe they did that." Mitch says. I nod, "Well I'm not surprised." "At least you got a goal." Will says. "I guess. But I'll still have to go back to the team in a few days." Everyone nods. "I can't believe we're invited to a US dinner party." Steph says, "Are you sure it's not a trap?" I laugh, "Trust me I'm sure. It takes a lot to stand with someone. And their super nice and we get free dinner so..." Will chuckles and places a hand on my thigh. We drive in comfortable silence the rest of the way home.

I put my hockey shit away and grab some clothes to take with me to the shower. I get undressed and hop in, letting the steamy hot water take over my body. There's a knock on the door. "Yeah?" I say. "Hey," Will says. I feel my cheeks get red. "Can I come in?" "Uhh...yea...sure." He walks in holding a towel. "The towels just got washed so I brought you a fresh one." He places the towel down on the counter. "Thanks babe." I say through the curtain. Thank god he couldn't see my face right now. "I was also wondering...if you wanted company." My body freezes. "Um..sure...yeah...I guess." "You don't have to say yes Sage." He chuckles. "No no come in."

 I hear him take his clothes off and peer back the shower curtain. "Hey." He says and hugs me. "We've never done this before." I whisper. He lets the water flow through his hair, making it droop over his face. I push it back and hold his face in my hands. "I love you." He whispers. I smile, "I love you to." I pull him in for a kiss which lasts a while and before ya know it, his hands are pressed against my butt. I let out a light moan as he nibbles on my ear. We stay holding each other. "I'm really glad  that US girl backed you up today." Will mumbles. I sigh, "Me to." He pulls away from me and looks at my face. "You won't have to deal with your teams bullshit much longer." I crock my head confused. He smiles, "I promise." "Are you ok? Not to long ago Lucy said the same thing." He shakes his head and pulls his arms tighter around me. 

We stay in the shower till the water starts to get cold. Will wraps a towel around me and we get dressed together. We both leave our hair damp and walk out holding hands. "Oooo look who showered together." Steph wiggles her eyebrows. "Who said that?" Mitch asked. She shrugs, "Just look at them." He makes a face, "I don't wanna." Me and Will laugh and he takes a seat on the couch, pulling me onto him. I wrap my legs around his torso and hug him. "Touchy tonight aren't we." Steph mutters. "I heard that." I say. She giggles which makes Mitch sit beside her to give her some attention. I snuggle into Will's chest and he holds me close to him. I feel really cuddly tonight and I think Willy does to. I wish I could stay in his arms forever. 

By 5pm Steph is rushing around to get ready for the party well, dinner. I raise my head from Will's shoulder, I think I fell asleep. He turns to me and stares at my lips, the back to my eyes. I give him a kiss. "Time to get ready baby." I whisper but lean back into his chest. He kisses my forehead and stands up with his hands under my butt. I gasp and wrap my hands around his neck. He carries me to our bedroom and gently places me on the bed. "I'll let you get ready in peace." He says and blows me a kiss. "What if I don't want to get ready in peace." I smirk. He playfully rolls his eyes, "Babe...don't start being hot now, we have to go soon." I pout. He gives me a look and leaves, closing the door behind him. 

I sigh and go through my closet and draws. What the fuck do I wear. I take out pieces of outfits and try to throw something together. I end up with something like this...

 I end up with something like this

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I check myself out in the mirror. Cute I guess. I don't know clothes. I walk out and see Steph wearing blue jeans and a cream color crop top. "Awwee Sage! You look adorable!" She comes ad hugs me. I smile, "So do you!" I see Will come towards me. He changed into a button up shirt and baggy jeans. I smile at him and he lifts me into his arms. "You look beautiful." He says. "You do to." I say. "Ahem." Mitch clears his throat. We nod and grab our jackets. 

We get to a nice restaurant which Jen texted me the address to. We see some of the US players walking in and follow them. They go to the back entrance so we do the same. Will grabs my hand as we make our way inside. I see Jen at a table with her team and she waves us over. "Hey. The girls are already familiar with ya'll so don't be shy." I smile, "Hey everyone." They nod and others wave. The four of us take a table and sit. "I'm starving." I say and lean on Will. He rubs my thigh. 

Not long after we get food served to us which is a surprise. I definitely did not expect this dinner to be very fancy. We start eating and Mitch gestures to Will to talk. Will kisses my cheek and smiles before they go off. I watch Mitch whisper something to him and they go straight to Jen. Hummm...somethings up. Then again...somethings been up for a while. As soon as I try to read their lips, Steph comes in Will's seat beside me. "Like the food?" She says. I nod, "It's know what Mitch and Will are talking about don't you?" She shrugs, "I'm not sure anymore." I sigh, "I just wanna know why it's such a secret." She nods, "I'll know soon enough." I smile, "ok." 

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