Chapter 38

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The box is set up with food and drinks, just like last time. We throw our jackets on the chairs and help ourselves to the buffet. We chat till the anthem starts and patently wait for the boys to skate out. It doesn't take long before they do and the whole stadium cheers. Man, I wish it were more like this at my games. People barely show up, they just say we did good and make me assume they watched from their t.v. Bullshit. 

By the end of first we're in the lead 2-0. The Islanders were not on their best game. Advantage for us I guess. I get up and put more chips and dip on my plate. "You feeling alright babe?" Ash whispers to me. I nod, "Just had a rough day, that's all." She fiddles with the sleeve of her sweater. I notice and give her a 'tell me' look. She shrugs, "Well ya know those girls on your team?" I nod. "They're here." I feel my eyes widen and sigh. "They're in the stands. I didn't want to say anything but...Lucy made me." She pointed at Lucy who gave her the finger. I chuckle, "It's fine, really." Ash sighs, "I don't want you to think anything more of it. Ignore them." I nod, "Thanks, really." She smiles and steals some chips as well. I take my seat again and not being able to help it, gaze the crowed for my bullies.

Finally I find them. Thea, Tory, and...Melly? Is that her? That's definitely her. I shake my head. I knew I shouldn't have come to this game. I came for Will though, and that's what matters. Yea, keep telling yourself that I say in my head. They are sitting not far from us and not far from the ice. Where did they score those seats? Whatever. Like I care. I guess I've been staring at them for a while and ya know the feeling you get when you feel someone staring right at you? I'm assuming that's what they got because they turn around and look directly into my soul. Thea is wearing an interesting outfit. A bra and practically see through legging. The other two are dressed almost the same. I quickly look somewhere else. Some of the girls around me come over and give me hugs. Is their staring really that obvious? 

I sigh and try to turn my attention back to the game but when Thea and Tory cheer for Will I can't help but feel nauseous. When he looks at them and winks I run to the garbage and throw up all those damn chips. 

The girls hover around me and help me stand and walk to a chair. "Are you ok??" "Oh my god Sage!" I hear but everything's a blur. "I'm fine." I say and raise a hand to my head. "Aw shit." They say and run to get me an ice pack. They're all very familiar with the concussion incident. I lean back in my chair and close my eyes. Support all around me, it feels good to get some attention, even if it's this way. 

They find an ice pack and bring it to me. "Guys this really isn't a big deal." I say, taking the pack. "Um hun, you just threw up and almost fainted...this is a pretty big deal." Christian says, trying to knock some sense into me. "lets give her some space ladies." Lucy says. They all agree and return to their seats, still worried. Lucy pulls up a chair. "They're here." I whisper. "All of them?" She asks. "No...but they're here." She nods and takes my hand, "It'll be alright Say, I'm not going anywhere." I smile and close my eyes from the pounding in my head. 

Second and third period fly by and before we know it, it's time to go. I think we won but I'm not sure. I didn't really pay attention to the game. I stand up slowly and look around the stands. Everyone's starting to leave so it'll be a while till it's safe for us to go. Without thinking my eyes drift to the bullies but their already staring at me. I wonder if they've figured out me and Will are a thing. "William can I have a picture?" Thea yells and runs to the glass. ok they definitely know. Will looks at the glass and smiles. He skates really close to them and they take quite a few. Then it seems like their talking to him about something. I can't make out what but Will seems to be laughing. I grunt and a hand gently turns me around. "Don't worry about them darling. Will loves you, not them." My expression softens. "Thanks Lucy." We sit and talk calmly about everything but hockey.

"Coast is clear!" Ash yells to us from the stairs leading to the box. We do the two at a time thing and I quickly find Stephanie. "Hey, you're sure your ok?" Steph asks. I nod, "A little sickened by certain people but I'll live." She rubs my back while we wait for Lucy and Christina to shout that they went. 

When we're given the heads up, me and Steph quickly lock the door as we're the last ones out and run to the janitors room to return the keys. "Let's wait by the row A hall, that row is gone." Steph says and not knowing what the hell she's talking about, I follow close behind. We wait for a while, watching everyone leave from a safe distance. Once everyone's seemed to be gone, we start coming out of hiding. But...the doors of the locker room hall open and out walk the team. I stumble over some clutter on the ground and Steph tries to catch me but we both fall together into the middle of the path. "Oh my god Stephanie lachance! Are you ok?" A familiar voice screeches. I see Steph being helped off the ground from Thea and Tory. I shut my eyes from both the sight and my brain trying to launch itself out of my head. I mumble a groan and open my eyes half way to see Thea and Tory talking to Steph and leading her to the team. The whole team is standing in the middle of the room chatting and did not seem to notice me. 

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