[35. Klaus' Curse]

Start from the beginning

Lucy nodded and, after Elena left the guest room she declared as hers, got dressed in some casual jeans and a sweatshirt. She finished getting ready and snuck into the kitchen to grab some fruit snacks—Stefan had stocked up on them since Lucy was staying there—before leaving the Boarding House.

Elena and Elijah were already in the vehicle; she slid into the backseat and ripped open her fruit snacks as Elena started driving away.

"Hi, Elijah," Lucy greeted him with a small, sheepish smile. She hadn't wanted to dagger him, but she hadn't exactly objected to it, either. "Sorry about the whole, um, dagger thing."

Elijah didn't reply but Lucy didn't blame him because he was currently sucking down the second of three blood bags that Elena had stolen for him. He finished the blood and calmly tore open the third, far less frantic as he drank from it.

Elena eventually pulled off to the side of the roads near their neighborhood.

She turned to Elijah with a hesitant expression. "You look better."

"Where did you get the dagger?" Elijah asked bluntly.

"We'll tell you everything," Elena promised, exchanging a look with Lucy, who nodded in agreement. "but we have to work together, Elijah. I need your word."

"Your ability to make demands has long passed."

"We're not making any demands," Lucy leaned forward so her head was between their seats. "We want your help in exchange for ours. No threats, no secret plans, no dagger."

Elijah's eyes darted between the sisters. "And why should I even consider this?"

"The same reason that you haven't killed me," Elena said confidently. "You need my help to kill Klaus and we need you."

Lucy's phone started buzzing, vibrating against her thigh. She sighed when she saw that Stefan was calling her and answered the call, quickly putting it on speakerphone so Elena could hear what her boyfriend had to say.

"Hey, Stefan..."

"Where are you guys?" Stefan asked immediately. "Elena's not answering her phone and neither of you are here. Are you okay?"

Lucy rolled her eyes at his rapid questioning. "We're fine, Stefan. Elena, say hello."

"Hey, Stefan."

"Where's Elijah?" Stefan's voice was firm.

"He's right here," Lucy answered. "Safe and sound in Elena's passenger seat."

"I'm on my way."

"No, Stefan," Elena objected strictly. "Elijah, Lucy, and I need some time alone."

"Both of you listen to me. He can't be trusted," Stefan tried to convince them to come back. "He'll use both of you to get to Klaus."

"Elijah is a noble man, Stefan," Elena looked straight at Elijah as she spoke. "He lives by a code of honor. We can trust him. He knows that we'd be incredibly stupid to betray him again. By removing the dagger, I have proven myself."

"You can't do this alone."

"It's my decision, Stefan," Elena pressed her lips together. "Please respect it."

"And make sure that Damon doesn't do anything stupid," Lucy added. "Talk later, yeah?"

"No, Lucy—"

Lucy hung up the call and looked pointedly at Elijah. He nodded slightly and expectantly held out his hand toward her phone. Lucy sighed and placed her phone in his hand, Elena giving up hers as well.

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