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"I can't believe you kept this from her," Gabby said to Ethan, sitting back in her chair. "You're supposed to be her friend!"

"Me?" Ethan retorted. "You're the one that's been ditching her for your new boyfriend."

Gabby crossed her arms. "If you're referring to last week, I already felt bad enough about that. That's why I sent you in my place."

"Okay, well you're also forgetting that I'm not your backup friend!" Ethan said. "You can't just send me when you would rather be hanging out with some cashier you met while shopping for Amara's baby!"

"Oh, I'm sorry," Gabby shot. "I didn't realize that I wouldn't be allowed to have a life while we're waiting for the babies to be born! Ethan, we still have a few months! I'm just trying to get closer to Ken before I have to be with Amara all the time."

"That's the problem!" Ethan said. "You know what's going to happen? You're going to get closer to him, then once you're all caught up in your relationship, you'll back down when Amara needs you most."

"I will not!" Gabby stood up.

"Prove it!"

"You want me to break up with him? Fine!" Gabby pulled out her phone.

Ethan laughed. "You don't actually expect me to believe that you're going to do that, do you?"

Gabby held the phone up to her ear and bored her green eyes into Ethan. "Hi, Ken. Look, you know my pregnant friend who you met at the store? Yeah, until she has the babies--and probably for a little while afterwards--I can't see you anymore."

She paused; Ethan's eyes widened as she continued, "Yeah. I'm sorry. But, I hope you'll wait for me?" Another pause. "I understand. Yeah, I guess I'll see you around."

As she hung up, Ethan stared. Gabby shrugged. "I have priorities. I'll stick by Amara as long as she needs me."

"Fine," Ethan said, crossing his arms. "You've proved yourself. Just don't let Amara down."

As he walked back to his cubicle, Amara wandered back from the bathroom. "Gabby?"

"Yeah, Boo?" Gabby said, sitting down.

"Why did you just call me like you were breaking up with Ken?" Amara asked. "Did you mean to do that?"

Gabby smiled mischievously. "Yep."

Later that week, Amara was just getting to the office, when Gabby sat down really quickly. Amara studied her for a second, before asking her question.

"What'cha doing?"

"Um--" Gabby glanced over at Amara's section of the desk "--nothing."

Amara's eyes moved down to the light green piece of paper poking out from beneath Gabby's rear end.

"What's that?" She asked, pointing to the paper. She sat down at her desk, but kept her eyes on Gabby, whose face was starting to go as red as her hair.

"It's--um--an invitation to the wedding," Gabby finally admitted. She pulled out the envelope. "I thought you might have gotten one, but--I guess I'm not really surprised."

Amara took the envelope from Gabby and read the invitation inside. It was pretty, and obviously expensive.

"I get a plus-one" Gabby said. "You could come with me if you want."

Amara studied it for another moment, before responding, "No, it's fine. They obviously don't want me there. You can take Ken."

"No, if you're not going, I'm not going," Gabby said. "They've been screwing you over since you found out you were pregnant. And I'm done with it."

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