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"You're thinking adoption?" Gabby asked on Monday.

"Yeah, I think so," Amara answered. "I don't know that I can do this on my own."

Gabby studied her. "I hear a 'but' in your voice."

"Yeah," Amara said. "I was positive on Saturday that that's what I wanted, but now I'm almost not sure. Nothing's changed, so why should I doubt?"

"Well, give it a couple more days and figure it out then," Gabby suggested. "But don't wait too long. You'll need to find a family if you decide not to keep it."

Amara turned to do some stuff on the computer, but was slightly distracted as Ethan walked by. Their eyes met for a brief second. Amara knew hers were hopeful that he had cooled off from the party. Unfortunately, he obviously hadn't Just as soon as he had made eye contact, he looked away.

Part of Amara wanted to call out to him, but she knew that would be a fruitless venture. Ethan's eyes held an unfamiliar element of hardness. His usual friendly demeanor had changed, but only once he remembered what Amara had done to herself. She couldn't believe he would be so unfeeling. Then again, he strongly believed being married before doing anything.

"What's with him?" Gabby asked.

Amara blew air out from her lips. "I think he might know about what's going on with me."

"What?!" Gabby lowered her voice. "But how?"

"Well," Amara wiped her sweaty palms on her chair as she sheepishly answered, "I might have told him."

"Amara! What happened to letting people find out on their own?" Gabby asked. "That was the point of our plan."

"I know, I know. It's just--we were at the party--and I--I just felt so alone," Amara stammered. "He asked what was wrong and I just kind of opened up without thinking."

"Well, there's your problem," Gabby said, getting back to work.

Amara watched her for a minute, waiting for her to continue. "I'm sorry--what exactly is my problem?"

"You're too trusting with guys," Gabby said, simply. "You opened up to Ethan, and now he hates you. You trusted Mr. Leonard, now you're having his baby, and he's getting married to someone else. I mean, what do you expect? You barely know these guys, now you're letting them ruin your life, all because you're too trusting."

"That's not fair," Amara shot back. "Joshua and Ethan are not ruining my life; they're just not helping. And in my own defense, I've known Ethan for years. It's not my fault that he thinks differently of me just because I got together with a different guy. And I was drunk when I was with Joshua, but even if I was thinking clearly, remember that he asked me over."

Gabby narrowed her eyes as she studied her friend. "Are you even hearing yourself? You and I both know that's not why Ethan's looking down on you. You should have known how he was before you told him. And as for the boss, yes, he asked you over, but you said yes. Getting pregnant is a two person job."

Amara sank back in her chair. For the first time since yesterday, she teared up. Gabby was right. They weren't exactly to blame.

"You're right," she finally said. "But if getting pregnant is a two person job, how come only one of us  is taking responsibility?"

Gabby watched her for a minute, then sighed. When Amara looked up, she noticed that Gabby was pretty close to tears herself. Gabby hadn't cried since her boyfriend dumped her a year ago, at least, not that Amara had noticed. And even then, she was back to herself a week later.

"I say give it a few weeks, then try again with Joshua," Gabby finally said. "Wait until you're showing a bit more. Maybe then he'll believe you, or at least take it better."

"I hope so," Amara sighed.

Gabby leaned over and wrapped Amara in a hug. "Everything will be okay. I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," Chantelle smirked as she passed by the girl's desk.

Gabby opened her mouth to hurl an insult back at her, but Amara placed her hand on her friend's arm. "She's not worth it."

Amara didn't know what Chantelle's problem was. She had always had something against Gabby and Amara, but they didn't know what. Someone had suggested jealousy, but they weren't sure what she would be jealous about. For starters, they all got paid around the same amount, despite working different jobs for the company.

Not only that, but she couldn't have been jealous of outer beauty. Chantelle was gorgeous, as much as the girls hated to admit it. She had beautiful, near flawless mahogany skin that was complimented by her long, very dark hair. Not only that, but she had a great body as well. Sure, there was the rumor that she used lip fillers, but who cared? 

"I don't understand her issue," Gabby muttered as Chantelle strutted away. "I know she thinks she's all that, but why target us?"

"I don't even think it's just us," Amara said. "We just don't hang out with some of the other girls from her department."

"Whatever," Gabby said, getting back to work.

"I will admit though," Amara said, as she started to type again, "It's really hard for me to even think about raising this baby with people like her around."

"No offense, Amara, but no matter which route you take, someone is going to judge you," Gabby admitted.

"It's not that, exactly," Amara said slowly. "If I keep the baby, people will find out who the father is. If I don't, there's less chance that people will know."

"There will be more people knowing if you don't shut up about it." Gabby had a playful look on her face. "We'll talk more later."


Joshua stood at the window in his office, staring out at the city. Why couldn't he get that receptionist out of his mind? He had had many one- night stands in the past, some where they were drunk, some where they were sober. But why was this one any different?

Joshua scoffed and nearly started laughing at himself when he realized the answer. The other girls had known it was only for one night. Amara had thought they had a real relationship. Sure, he had intended it to carry on for a bit longer, but when Nicole and him reconciled, Joshua knew that his thing with Amara couldn't continue. If he and Nicole weren't getting married, maybe they could have a little thing on the side, but that obviously couldn't happen now.

And now Amara was trying to drag him into a baby trap. He couldn't be fooled. Like he had said before, it wasn't his. She had gotten herself pregnant, now she had to deal with it. She probably didn't even know who the father was, and was just trying to blame it on him.

A tap at the door alerted Joshua from his thoughts. Nicole entered.

"I don't understand that receptionist of yours," she said after they had greeted each other. "She seems so sweet at first glance, but from what I've heard, she is so irresponsible."

"Tell me about it," Joshua grunted. "She's been neglecting some of her responsibilities already. I can't imagine what she'll do when she actually has the baby."

"I can't believe she actually asked you for money," Nicole commented.

"Not only that, she thinks I'm the father," Joshua admitted casually.


"I don't know where she would get that idea," he lied. "But we have nothing to worry about. I've already told her off. She's probably just blaming me because she's had one too many nights with a stranger."

"Well, if things get any worse, you could always fire her," Nicole suggested. "I mean, if she starts harassing you on top of not doing her work? There's no room for an employee like her here."

"Exactly," Joshua agreed.

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