Baby Time

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Two weeks later, Gabby hauled herself out of bed. She didn't know why she was awake at 7 a.m. on a Saturday, but she was. After tossing and turning for a bit, she decided she wasn't going back to sleep, and made her way to the kitchen.

Gabby paused once she got there. The sight in front of her was surprising. Amara was in the kitchen, at the stove, adding another pancake to an already high stack.

"What are you doing up?" Gabby asked. "And making pancakes?"

"Oh hey!" Amara called cheerfully. "I've been up for like an hour, but I can't sit still, so I thought I'd cook!"

Gabby entered the kitchen slowly. "Okay," she said, just as slow. "Are you feeling alright?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the last couple of days, you've had next to no energy," Gabby said. 

"I've been saving it, apparently," Amara admitted. "But this morning, I've been--whoa."

She paused and put a hand over her belly. At the same time she gripped the counter with her left hand. What felt like menstrual cramp was attacking her inside--and this wasn't the first. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" Gabby asked.

"Well, actually," Amara said, "I think I might be having a contraction."

"You think?!" Gabby's eyes went wide as her voiced pitched upward. 

"I don't know, I've never had them before!" Amara shot. She stood straight as the feeling passed. "But, given that this is the third one this morning..."

"The third one?!"

"Why do you think I couldn't go back to sleep?" Amara said. 

"I don't understand, you're a month early!" Gabby yelled. "Are we even ready?!"

"Calm down!" Amara said "Remember I told you? The more you're having, the earlier you could go into labour. I just didn't realize it could happen so quickly.

"What's going on?" Ethan asked, entering the kitchen.

Amara held back a smile. Ethan never came downstairs without getting dressed first, but he must of heard the girls shouting, as he looked like he had just rolled out of bed. His dirty blonde hair stuck straight up and his face looked like they had just pulled him from some dream.

"Amara's in labour," Gabby said simply.

"What?!" Ethan exclaimed. All tiredness disappeared from his face. "Okay, where's your bag? We need to go to the hospital! Get dressed Gabby! I'll start the car and--"

"Would you guys relax?" Amara laughed. "Honestly, I'm the one having the babies here. Besides, you're not supposed to go until the contractions are closer together. They're too irregular still."

Gabby and Ethan went quiet, unsure of what to say. All they did was exchange glances.

"However," Amara continued, "I am going to call my mom and tell her that today might be the day."


"Time me this time," Amara said to Gabby.

She leaned back on the couch and squeezed the fabric as the next contraction came. They were coming stronger now, and more frequently. It had only been two hours.

"Okay, your bag's in the car," Ethan said, emerging into the living room. "How's it going?"

"Painful!" Amara said loudly, without even realizing it.

"This is the second one in ten minutes," Gabby said. She had her stopwatch out on her phone. "They were fifteen minutes apart an hour ago, and they're just getting closer."

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