The Plan

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Ethan wondered what had come over Amara. He knew that she knew he liked her, but she had never completely ignored him that way she had last night. He vowed to find out what was really bothering her, and if it was him, he'd fix whatever was wrong between them.

He found her at her desk, as usual. She was on the phone, so he waited until she was done to speak to her.

"Are you feeling okay?" Ethan asked.

Amara looked up. "I'm fine," she said. "Thank you."

She didn't look fine. She looked upset and tired. Her eyes were all puffy, as if she had spent the whole night crying.

"What happened yesterday?" Ethan asked. He knew he was butting into her personal life, but they were friends. "You seemed kind of upset."

Her phone started to ring. "I have to take this; it's important," Amara said. "But I'm fine, really."

Ethan nodded and let her answer her phone. He glanced at Gabby, who quickly looked away. She probably knew what was wrong, but she also knew Amara best. He sighed and let things be for now. When Amara was ready, she'd tell him.
Amara hoped she hadn't hurt Ethan too badly. They were friends, but she couldn't handle him asking her out again. Not now, when she didn't know what to do.

"You don't need him," Gabby was saying about Joshua. "He's just a jerk."

"He's also the father of my kid!" Amara shot back. "What am I going to do? I can't do this by myself!"

"Hey, relax," Gabby said. "If you're going to keep this baby, then you won't be alone. I'll help you!"

Amara lifted her head off of the desk. "Yesterday, you were telling me to get rid of it, now you want to help me?"

"Amara, I want what's best for you," Gabby said. "And if that means doing whatever I can to make this easier, then that's what will happen."

Amara looked at her friend in shock, then leaned over to hug her. "You're the best."

"I know," Gabby laughed.

"What's this ladies? A PDA?"

Amara rolled her eyes. Chantelle. The office witch. She smirked down at the two friends.

Gabby pulled away from Amara and looked at Chantelle in disgust. "What's that Chantelle? New lips?"

It was Chantelle's turn to roll her eyes. To Amara's relief, that's all she did, then walked away. Amara looked at Gabby and laughed. The mood swings most have been starting.
That night, Gabby came over to Amara's apartment. The two ordered Chinese food and discussed their plan for the next seven-ish months.

"Okay, Step Two," Gabby said, "your pregnancy should be on a need-to-know basis."

"What happened to Step One?" Amara asked, her mouth full of noodles.

"Step One was deciding to keep it," Gabby answered.

"Fair enough," Amara said. "But how is it going to be 'need-to-know'? Aren't people going to find out sooner or later?"

"Well, yeah," Gabby responds, taking a bite of her egg roll. "But no one has to know who's it is. That will only give you a reputation."

"And make Joshua more mad at me," Amara muttered.

"You're on a first-name basis now?"

"Well, yeah, that's what happens when you sleep with someone," Amara sighed. "Of course, we're probably back to normal since he doesn't care to have anything to do with me."

Gabby was quiet for a minute, then continued, "Okay, Step Three. What are your plans for the future?"

Amara groaned. "I barely know what my plans are for next week!"

"Calm down," Gabby said, "I just meant, are you raising the baby or giving it up for adoption?"

Amara exhaled through her lips and sat back. "That, I have to think about. I mean, raising a baby on my own is terrifying, but there's already so many kids out there looking for a family."

"Maybe talk to your parents first, and see how they feel," Gabby suggested. "When are you going to tell them?"

"Probably when I go see them for Mom's birthday next month," Amara answered. "I can't bear to do this over the phone."

"That'll be the next step then." Gabby paused to write it down. "If I know your mom, that's a good idea anyway. Do you feel any better now that you're planning this out?"

"I think so," Amara nodded. "I think I feel a little more prepared."

"Good," Gabby said. "Not to put any pressure on you, but are you still coming to my party next weekend? Obviously, you wouldn't be drinking, but then, you never drank before."

"I don't know," Amara sighed. "I think I probably will go, just because people will be suspicious if I don't."

"Well, don't force yourself." Gabby closed her notepad. "If you don't want to come, I'll just tell people that you weren't feeling well. I mean, that's kinda true, right?"

"Yeah," Amara chuckled. "The way I've been feeling over the last few days, not only would it be true, but I could back it up."
Joshua and Nicole were having dinner at a fancy steakhouse. They were just finishing their appetizers when Nicole asked about Amara.

"What was your receptionist doing in your office today?" She asked.

"She had some questions for me," Joshua answered.

"She seemed really upset," Nicole said.

"I didn't give her the answers she wanted," Joshua laughed, then took a sip of his drink. "She's also having some mood-swings I think."

"What makes you say that?"

"She told me she was pregnant today," Joshua said. "She wanted me to give her a little more than I could bargain with. I told her that maternity leave was one year maximum, no longer."

"Oh, I see," Nicole said. "She's one of those demanding people who can't afford to get what they want, so they try to negotiate things to be in their favor."

"That was exactly it," Joshua agreed. "She's not getting married so she was probably trying to con me by playing up her situation. She obviously doesn't want to be a single mom."

"Well, then she shouldn't have gotten pregnant, should she?" Nicole took her own drink. "It's her own fault then. Don't take the risk if you can't handle the consequences."

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