Something Familiar

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Joshua had been back in the office for a week and a half now. And Amara was still keeping her secret to herself. Even as she left for the weekend, she still had no idea what to do. Actually, she did have an idea; she just had no idea how to go through with it.

Amara and Joshua were talking like they had before. Amara just assumed that Joshua had forgotten about everything. She was pretty sure he wouldn't care about her latest development, but she had to try. He had the right to know.

For the first time in around a month, Joshua thought about the pregnant receptionist. He wondered about how she was doing. She had barely spoken to him about anything other than business, which was how he liked it, but there was still something bothering him.

He thought back to that night in his apartment. They were both drunk, but it hadn't mattered to him. Come to think of it, it hadn't mattered to either of them. He was known as quite the player, but this was the first time someone had tried to pull him into a baby trap.

Joshua scoffed at the thought, and leaned back in his chair. He had intended on starting a real relationship with her. Usually, his one-night stands stayed that way. But there was something about her that attracted him. However, Nicole came back, and that was that. It must have just been a one-time thing.

She had been crushed, of course. It was an expression that Joshua had seen on many women's faces many times before. He actually snickered at the thought. As a CEO, he had a lot of power. As a heart breaker, he had even more.

But then she fired back. She had been devastated, angry. The whole baby thing--who knew if she was making that up? No one else had ever tried that before. She was clever; getting herself knocked up so that he'd think it was his. But it wouldn't work. He wasn't that stupid.

Amara woke up at 7:30 on Sunday morning. That was weird. She had been up late on Saturday night, so why was she up so early? Rolling out of bed, Amara went for her computer. Finding nothing to do there, she wandered around the apartment a little bit. At 8:30, she finally decided to do something she hadn't done in a while: she was going to go to church.

The service didn't start until ten, and Amara got there shortly after. She wasn't sure why she felt she needed to be here, but she kind of wanted to slip in and out without being noticed. It didn't exactly work...

There were a few people waiting at the door to welcome anyone that was coming in. One of the ladies smiled at Amara as she wandered in. She noticed that the lady's nametag read, "Liz" 

"Welcome to Oakview Community Church!"  Liz said. "Is this your first time here?"

Amara hesitantly nodded, but the lady's demeanor didn't change at all.

"That's great! We're so happy that you're here!" Liz exclaimed. Amara noticed that almost everything she said sounded excited. 

Within minutes, Liz had escorted Amara to her seat, and suddenly, she felt a wave of nostalgia. Amara hadn't really been to church in years, and when she went with her parents, she hadn't really realized how much she had actually been missing it.

It was a little different than she had remembered, but she also knew that every church did things a bit differently. However, just as they started the second song, Amara noticed something--or rather, someone-- very familiar. A tall guitarist with curly blond hair. 


She had had no idea that he went to this church. That distracted her for a little bit. When the third song was over, the pastor told everyone to "welcome each other, and grab a coffee". Amara stood, and Ethan left the stage and practically made a beeline for her. Shockingly enough, he didn't seem as mad at her as he had before.

"I didn't know you were coming here today!" Ethan exclaimed.

"I didn't know you went here!" Amara said. "I mean, I'm sure you told me, but--"

"Hey, it's cool," Ethan said. "I'm just glad you're here. Do you mind if I sit with you? I mean, after I'm done with the music?"

Amara nodded. "I'd like that. I don't exactly know many people here."

"Hey, if you keep coming, then you will."

Amara wasn't sure about that, but she nodded anyway and sat down as Ethan returned to his place on the stage. The pastor came up then to do announcements. She started to space out a little,  but then he said something that stuck out to Amara.

"We have a counseling program for women in broken relationships, single mothers, or those who simply need to talk to another woman."

He went on, but that was all she needed to hear. Even as the worship team started up their next song, she made note of who was running that program, and when she could talk to them. It was one of the very things she had been needing.

The only thing she was worried about was the fact that she was pregnant without being married. How would they take it? But he had said that they helped single mothers...but did that mean divorcees or people in her situation? She really didn't know.

There was only one way to find out.

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