Epilogue: 10 Rules for Dating My Daughter

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Epilogue: 10 Rules for Dating My Daughter

A/N: And here we finally are, at the end of the story. It doesn't seem that long ago I was turning thirteen and yelling at my screen because I wanted my stories to be seen... HEY THAT RHYMES!

But, yeah, here's the epilogue. Ten ruled for dating Hermione: Voldemort's Daughter

Platform 9 ¾ was a very busy place at this time of year. The main reason being, every single child in Britain was boarding the Hogwarts Express to get to school, and every pureblood of halfblood's parents had come to see them off. Sophia Lily Riddle, her brother Harry, and her father Tom, stood infront of the barrier with their trolleys, which all had their trunks on, and their cages of owls. Harry had a large white owl, who sat regally in hers, while Sophia's small brown owl tried to open the cage desperately. Sophia broke into a run, with her brother and father right behind her, straight to the barrier. With a shimmer, she found herself again standing next to the shiny red engine that was the Hogwarts Express. She grinned as her brother appeared next to her, and then her father.

"Hey, look, it's Ron!" Harry pointed to a red-haired clan of people. "Ron! RON!"

"And Ginny!" Sophia laughed.

"Okay, before you two run off and leave me I have a few things to say: Work hard, play nice, beat Hufflepuff at Quidditch, Harry, I don't want a repeat of third year! Don't get into too much trouble, make sure you study for your owls, don't stay up too late, but most importantly, have fun." Tom stated, ruffling the two's hair. They nodded, and Harry ran off. "Sophia, I know you probably have doubts about where you're going to go. And let me say, don't get upset about going into Slytheri- Hey, look it's Draco Malfoy," Her father changed the subject, "Make sure you beat him at all your test, Sophie! Thank God you inherited your mothers brains!"

"Dad, are you quoting Harry Potter books again?" Sophia grinned, and he blushed.

"SOPHIA!" Sophia turned to her boyfriend with a grin on her face. He picked her up and twirled her around, before kissing her sweetly on the lips.

"Draco, I've missed you so much!" She laughed, hugging him.

"Ah, Mr. Malfoy, I've been meaning to talk to you..." Tom began, a glint in his eyes.

"Dad..." Warned Sophia.

"No, no, run along Sophia. Go find Ginny, ask her how Blaise is doing in St. Mungo's. This won't take long." Reluctantly, she nodded and ran off to find her friend. Lucius Malfoy stood near his son, incase he needed protection from the ex-evil Lord.

"Now, Mr. Malfoy... 10 rules for dating my daughter." Lucius could have laughed out loud. The famous dark lord's big words were simple rules for caring for his daughter! "Rule number 1: You make her cry, I'll make YOU cry." Lucius sobered up. He was, really, still dealing with a person who knew dark magic. "Rule number 2: All dates must be chaperoned by a respectable adult."

"Like who?" Draco asked.

"Me, your father, Snape, Bellatrix... No, not Bella, she's kind of crazy... Uh... Dumbledore... People like that, okay? Rule number 3," Tom continued, "All dates must be sealed and approved by me. Rule number 4: You cannot take her to anywhere with loud music, anywhere mushy, or a place tear jerky. Rule number 5: No kisses can last longer than one millisecond."

"One millisecond?" Draco choked, "That's... 15 milliseconds just passed between That's and 15!"
"I know that." Tom shrugged, as the train blew a warning.

"Draco hurry up!" Sophia yelled. She was heaving her trunk onto the train.

"He'll be there in a minute!" Her father called back. "Rule number 6: These kisses cannot use tongues, or any other bodily parts for that matter."

"How could they at one millesecond?" Draco grumbled, but Tom ignored him.

"Rule number 7: If my son owls me, or if my daughter comes home saying she's pregnant, I will cut off your privates." Lucius Malfoy burst out laughing. Tom glared at him, "Rule number 8: I'll cut off your fathers too." Lucius frowned, and Draco chuckled. The train whistled again.

"Draco!" Sophia yelled from the train. Draco looked at Tom apologetically, and went towards the train. He got on, and Tom ran after him.

"Rule number 9: If I, my son, or my daughter calls for you, you come immediately, even if you're in the shower." Tom continued. The train hissed and it pulled out of the station. Draco pushed his head out of the train.

"MR. MALFOY!" Tom called, but continued in a normal voice, knowing the boy would understand. "Rule number 10: She'd like emeralds on her engagement ring."

A/N: And there we have it. The end.

1. Did you like the epilogue?

2. What was your favourite part?

3. Which was your favourite rule of Voldy's?

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