Chapter 5: The dark mark

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Hermione, Ginny,

Where are you guys? We've looked all over but can't find you! Are you with Justin, 'cuz if so why the hell did the Hufflepuff table catch on fire? Sorry it's off subject but where are you?

Harry, Ron.

Dear my dear Hermione,

I am so glad that you agree to come to our house for the winter. I'm also glad that you are okay with the whole 'Deatheater' things that have to happen if I had a choice I would postpone them, but sadly I can't. As you know it would draw to much attention and it would alert the ministry if I did come to pick you up from the station. Also, Potter would see me and we both don't want that. I've decided that to avoid Potter and the red-head from trying to see you off, you shall floo to my house. Tell professor Dumbledore that it's urgent you get to your house straight away; he should understand. I was thinking that on the Monday we could catch up, I have 13 years of my parenthood to catch up on, after all, and I'd love to know what is happening with you. On Tuesday I thought we could go to Diagon Ally and buy the dress that you shall wear at the ball. We could also buy a few luxuries and stop by at the Leaky Cauldron for lunch. On Wednesday is the Ball and even though the ball is in the night we may spend most of the day entertaining the guests. On Thursday I am wondering if you would like to explore my manor, and its grounds I'm doing the best I can to be a good father to you. Friday is Christmas. I was intending to have another party to celebrate it, but it is you're choice whether we have a family Christmas or not. On Saturday and Sunday it can be you're choice though I don't know now if there will be Deatheater activities or not. I can't wait to see you again my darling daughter and I realise that sounds corny. But I assure you that I love you with all of my heart.

Loving, as always,

Your father

Tom Riddle

Hermione and Ginny looked at each other and then Hermione quickly scribbled a reply on the back of a spare bit of parchment.

Dear dad,

I'm fine with floo powdering to your-our house, and I think that all of the plans you decided for us shall be great! I really can't wait and I'm just as corny as you. I'm fine having a Christmas party with you and you're most faithful Deatheater's on the Friday, and I don't mind what we do on the weekend. I was already assured that you loved me with all of you're seven split souls- yes, yes I knew, but assuring me again won't hurt.

Love you forever as well,


"Who was that from?" Justin asked.

"My dad," Hermione answered off-handily.

"Is your aunt all right?" Ginny wondered.

"What's wrong with you're aunt?" he asked.

"She's ill, with breast cancer. She's due to have an operation during the winter holidays." Hermione made-up.

"Oh." Justin said. Ginny and Hermione looked at each other and laughed. "What?"

"That's what we all said before you're table caught fire! Harry says oh, Ron says oh, I say, oh then Lavender Brown says oh because your table catches on fire!" Ginny replied. "Oh and by the way, Harry and Ron are looking for us."

"Right. We better go then," Hermione said. "See you soon Justin,"

"And when you do tell me if you're aunts cured!" Justin called out to them. When they were out of earshot Ginny turned to face Hermione in the clear snow.

"Justin may have bought it, and Harry and Ron, but I can tell when you lie, Hermione," Ginny got straight to the point, as she had with Justin.

"Yes, yes you can, Ginny." Hermione answered.

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