Chapter 22: Library

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"Hermione?" I looked up at Harry and Ron standing before me, turned the page and carried on reading.

"Hermione?" I looked up at Harry and Ron standing before me, turned the page and carried on reading.

"Hermione?" I looked up at Harry and Ron standing before me, turned the page and carried on reading.

"Hermione?" This time I ignored them.

"Hermione?" I turned the page of my book and muttered,

"22 raids not 20. Write to author." I wrote it in the margin.

"HERMIONE!" They yelled. Madame Prince walked over to us sternly.

"Quiet in the library!" she scolded.

"Sorry Madame Prince." They apologised. She walked briskly back to her desk.

"Hermione?" I looked up at Harry and Ron standing before me, turned the page and carried on reading.

"Hermione Hermione Hermione Hermione Hermione Hermione Hermio-" I slammed my book shut.

"What?" I hissed harshly.

"Hi." Ron greeted. I glared at him angrily and resumed reading.

"Hermione?" I looked up at Harry and Ron standing before me, turned the page and carried on reading.

"Hermione?" I looked up at Harry and Ron standing before me, turned the page and carried on reading.

"Hermione?" I looked up at Harry, who was the only one to have spoken, and went to turn the page, but he snatched it off me,

"Hey!" I protested, "Give it back!"

"No. Me and Ron want to ask you something."

"You mean you and Lieutenant Weasley?" I chuckled. Harry sighed.

"Is it true you fancy Malfoy?" he asked.

"And that you think he's super-mega-foxy-awesome hot?" Ron added.

"I don't see why it concerns you who I fancy." I replied frostily.

"It concerns us because your our best friend and Malfoy's our worst enemy!" Harry reasoned.

"I thought it was Voldemort who was your worst enemy, Harry." I smirkled to myself.

"Well yeah but Voldemort's dead, gone, POOF!" Harry reminded, acting out his speech with his hands. I looked down at the mahogany desk, thinking in an evil voice, 'As far as you know.' "Mione tell me! I hate not knowing things!"
"Lump it then," I replied.

"Hermione Jean Elddir you tell me now!" Harry ordered.

"Okay I, Hermione Jean Elddir does not fancy Draco Axarbruis Malfoy," Sophia Lily Riddle does... "Was that what you wanted?"

"No I wanted the truth and how do you know Malfoy's middle name?" Harry asked.

"Don't ask; L-O-N-G story." I said, "Besides, that was the truth."

"Then why did Ginny run down the stairs yelling it?" Ron put in.

"Ginny was reading something and got the wrong end of the stick. It was me who wrote it, it was my..." I debated what to call myself, "Friend."

"Hang on you have a friend who fancies MALFOY?" Harry asked loudly, surprised. Madame Prince gave a harsh 'SHHH!' from her desk. I saw Draco peering over his copy of 'Quidditch Through The Ages' curiously.

"Yep. A sort of... pen friend, you could call her. She knows the Malfoy's well. Very well." He put his book down.

"What's her name?" Harry asked.

"Her names Sophia." Draco's eyes lit up and his face gave a grin so cute it made my heart melt when he heard my name.

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